
[ follow ]
3 weeks ago

Harriette Cole: My boyfriend's comments aren't as subtle as he thinks

Addressing subtle comments about weight in a relationship is crucial for self-esteem and setting boundaries without causing unnecessary tension. [ more ]
3 months ago

Asking for a friend: 'After two children, I hate my body and the thought of sex fills me with anxiety. So I've told my husband he can sleep with other women'

Motherhood is all-consuming and can affect self-esteem
Communication is crucial in addressing intimacy issues in marriage [ more ]
7 years ago

7 Pieces Of Advice If You Feel Like "The Replacement"

Validate if feeling 'the replacement' is reality or perspective
Consider self-esteem or fear issues, address actions accordingly [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Harriette Cole: My boyfriend's comments aren't as subtle as he thinks

Addressing subtle comments about weight in a relationship is crucial for self-esteem and setting boundaries without causing unnecessary tension. [ more ]
3 months ago

Asking for a friend: 'After two children, I hate my body and the thought of sex fills me with anxiety. So I've told my husband he can sleep with other women'

Motherhood is all-consuming and can affect self-esteem
Communication is crucial in addressing intimacy issues in marriage [ more ]
7 years ago

7 Pieces Of Advice If You Feel Like "The Replacement"

Validate if feeling 'the replacement' is reality or perspective
Consider self-esteem or fear issues, address actions accordingly [ more ]
5 years ago

Need More Confidence? Here Are 10 Bestselling Books on Confidence | Entrepreneur

Improving self-esteem is a common struggle, but seeking help from experts or reading self-help books can lead to significant long-term benefits. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
4 months ago

Exploring the power of intrapersonal communication - LogRocket Blog

Being mindful and methodical about utilizing intrapersonal communication can help build confidence, clarity, and conviction in life goals.
Intrapersonal communication involves self-awareness, self-concept, and self-esteem. [ more ]
5 years ago

Need More Confidence? Here Are 10 Bestselling Books on Confidence | Entrepreneur

Improving self-esteem is a common struggle, but seeking help from experts or reading self-help books can lead to significant long-term benefits. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
4 months ago

Exploring the power of intrapersonal communication - LogRocket Blog

Being mindful and methodical about utilizing intrapersonal communication can help build confidence, clarity, and conviction in life goals.
Intrapersonal communication involves self-awareness, self-concept, and self-esteem. [ more ]
1 month ago
Digital life

11 Famous People Who've Reacted To Or Absolutely Loathe The Memes That Have Been Created About Them

Celebrities share the negative impact of viral memes on mental health and self-esteem. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
4 months ago
Digital life

Lay Off The Sephora Tweens

Tween girls are often bullied and vilified in pop culture.
Tween girls are a vulnerable population with respect to self-esteem and mental health. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
4 months ago

Mental Health Effects Of Being Adopted

Being adopted can have psychological effects on a child's mental health, leading to disorders such as attention deficit disorder and major depressive disorder.
Adopted children may struggle with feelings of grief, loss, and low self-esteem, stemming from the perception of being abandoned or having issues that caused their birth parents to give them up. [ more ]
1 month ago
Digital life

11 Famous People Who've Reacted To Or Absolutely Loathe The Memes That Have Been Created About Them

Celebrities share the negative impact of viral memes on mental health and self-esteem. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
4 months ago
Digital life

Lay Off The Sephora Tweens

Tween girls are often bullied and vilified in pop culture.
Tween girls are a vulnerable population with respect to self-esteem and mental health. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
4 months ago

Mental Health Effects Of Being Adopted

Being adopted can have psychological effects on a child's mental health, leading to disorders such as attention deficit disorder and major depressive disorder.
Adopted children may struggle with feelings of grief, loss, and low self-esteem, stemming from the perception of being abandoned or having issues that caused their birth parents to give them up. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago

Women receive an ego boost if they shun social media for just a week

Taking a break from social media, particularly for young women focused on achieving a slender physique, significantly improves body satisfaction and self-esteem. [ more ]
1 month ago

Social media: Abstinence can boost self-esteem DW 05/09/2024

Beauty standards on social media can be dangerous with trends like thigh gaps and slim waist challenges influencing young individuals. [ more ]
Tiny Buddha
4 months ago

If You Aren't Happy with Yourself and Your Life Right Now... - Tiny Buddha

Food was not the solution to the author's problems, it only made things worse.
The author's struggle with body image and self-esteem began at a young age due to criticism from others. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago

Women receive an ego boost if they shun social media for just a week

Taking a break from social media, particularly for young women focused on achieving a slender physique, significantly improves body satisfaction and self-esteem. [ more ]
1 month ago

Social media: Abstinence can boost self-esteem DW 05/09/2024

Beauty standards on social media can be dangerous with trends like thigh gaps and slim waist challenges influencing young individuals. [ more ]
Tiny Buddha
4 months ago

If You Aren't Happy with Yourself and Your Life Right Now... - Tiny Buddha

Food was not the solution to the author's problems, it only made things worse.
The author's struggle with body image and self-esteem began at a young age due to criticism from others. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 month ago

Chronic Shame: What Is It And How to Let Go of It?

Chronic shame is a deep-seated belief in one's flaws and unworthiness, impacting behavior and self-perception. [ more ]
1 month ago

Ava Phillippe Just Reached "A Major Milestone" In Internet Body-Shaming

Body-shaming is harmful and pervasive, impacting individuals regardless of their appearance. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
3 months ago
Digital life

Teaching My Daughter That Most of What She Sees Online Isn't Real Feels Impossible

Parents need to understand the influence of filters and social media on teenage self-esteem.
Filtered images on social media can have a significant impact on teenagers' perception of beauty and self-worth. [ more ]
1 month ago

Ava Phillippe Just Reached "A Major Milestone" In Internet Body-Shaming

Body-shaming is harmful and pervasive, impacting individuals regardless of their appearance. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
3 months ago
Digital life

Teaching My Daughter That Most of What She Sees Online Isn't Real Feels Impossible

Parents need to understand the influence of filters and social media on teenage self-esteem.
Filtered images on social media can have a significant impact on teenagers' perception of beauty and self-worth. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 month ago

Guide-Me: What Is An Anxious Ambivalent Attachment?

Anxious ambivalent attachment originates from childhood emotional unavailability, leading to seeking constant reassurance and distrust in close relationships, impacting self-esteem negatively. [ more ]
4 months ago

Harriette Cole: I got bored with my boyfriend and ditched him. Big mistake.

The writer regrets ending a three-year relationship and is experiencing jealousy over their ex's new relationship.
The writer is seeking advice on how to cope with their emotions and find a healthy way to move forward. [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

42 Divorced People Are Sharing The Lessons Their Separation Taught Them, And It's Very Vulnerable

Friends may choose sides in a divorce, even without being asked to
Couples therapy only works if both partners are willing to take accountability and make an effort to change [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 month ago

Guide-Me: What Is An Anxious Ambivalent Attachment?

Anxious ambivalent attachment originates from childhood emotional unavailability, leading to seeking constant reassurance and distrust in close relationships, impacting self-esteem negatively. [ more ]
4 months ago

Harriette Cole: I got bored with my boyfriend and ditched him. Big mistake.

The writer regrets ending a three-year relationship and is experiencing jealousy over their ex's new relationship.
The writer is seeking advice on how to cope with their emotions and find a healthy way to move forward. [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

42 Divorced People Are Sharing The Lessons Their Separation Taught Them, And It's Very Vulnerable

Friends may choose sides in a divorce, even without being asked to
Couples therapy only works if both partners are willing to take accountability and make an effort to change [ more ]
Time Out London
2 months ago

This south London neighbourhood has been named the UK's beauty industry capital

Croydon is the beauty industry capital of the UK with a high concentration of beauty workers.
Beauty industry provides essential services and boosts self-esteem, particularly in areas of high unemployment and deprivation. [ more ]
2 months ago

Croydon named beauty industry capital of the UK

Croydon has the highest concentration of beauty industry workers in the UK, with 1 in 32 people employed in this sector.
The beauty industry is not just a luxury but an essential service that boosts self-esteem, especially in areas of high unemployment and deprivation. [ more ]
Time Out London
2 months ago

This south London neighbourhood has been named the UK's beauty industry capital

Croydon is the beauty industry capital of the UK with a high concentration of beauty workers.
Beauty industry provides essential services and boosts self-esteem, particularly in areas of high unemployment and deprivation. [ more ]
2 months ago

Croydon named beauty industry capital of the UK

Croydon has the highest concentration of beauty industry workers in the UK, with 1 in 32 people employed in this sector.
The beauty industry is not just a luxury but an essential service that boosts self-esteem, especially in areas of high unemployment and deprivation. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
2 months ago

Bisexual icon Rebecca Lucy Taylor's star just keeps on rising - we love to see it

Rebecca Lucy Taylor started her solo career as Self Esteem in 2017 after being part of the band Slow Club.
She credits her music teacher Anthony Wright for teaching her to sing, showing the influence of educators in shaping her career. [ more ]
3 months ago
East Bay (California)

Beauty will save the world': Tent City Barbers gives hope to Bay Area's unhoused

Providing free haircuts to the homeless brings dignity and visibility to those in need.
San Mateo County's approach to homeless encampments draws both criticism and praise. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
4 months ago

When Too Much Confidence Turns Bad, Here's What to Do!

Excess confidence can harm success and potential happiness.
Too much confidence can lead to missed opportunities and arrogance. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
4 months ago

How Obsession Makes You Fragile

Identity is not a fixed thing, but something that can be rewritten at different stages of life.
Over-identifying with any one thing sets you up for fragility. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
6 months ago

I Just Discovered That My Child Is a Sneaky Little Cheater

Teach the importance of honesty and fair play to the 11-year-old
Encourage the child and celebrate valid wins [ more ]
6 months ago

Being ugly' is ruining our lives: two readers share their anguish | Ask Philippa

The person is questioning their attractiveness and believes it is the reason for their lack of relationships
The therapist suggests that the person may be over- or under-adapting to others, which could affect their ability to form relationships [ more ]
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