Briefly exists for people to discuss web content and post original posts appropriate to one of our anchors.
Unwelcome content
Here are some examples of content that is not welcome on Briefly. The Briefly team and our volunteer ambassadors are free to decide if any content violates these guidelines.
Strictly forbidden
- Anything illegal
- Pornography
- Content that encourages or incites violence
- Content that threatens or harasses or incites others to do so
- Somebody else’s personal information that they haven’t shared publicly
- Confidential information
- Impersonating a person or organization
- Any content that is primarily self-promoting or advertising including spam
Don’t do any of this either
In addition, the following is also prohibited:
- Soliciting for upvotes or highlights
- Miscategorizing content. Make sure content is keeping with the spirit of the anchor it is being added to
- Anything that might harm the operation of Briefly or prevent others from using Briefly
- Creating multiple accounts
If you decide not to play by the rules
We may do any or all of the following if you break a rule or behave in a un-Briefly like manner:
- Temporarily or permanently suspend your account (possibly without warning)
- Remove offending content