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LogRocket Blog
11 hours ago
UX design

Neumorphism: The new trend in UI design - LogRocket Blog

Neumorphism combines minimalism and realism to create modern interfaces with depth and simplicity. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Figma Config 2024

AI for Figma introduces game-changing design features. [ more ]
6 days ago
UX design

Principles of Spacing in UI Design: A Beginner's Guide to the 4-Point Spacing System

Creating visually appealing UI relies on proper spacing for clean design and user engagement. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
UX design

3 things I see in products, that make my heart break

Designers notice small mistakes in design, sparking curiosity and frustration, motivating improvement. [ more ]
2 months ago
UX design

Dark patterns versus behavioural nudges in UX

Psychology plays a crucial role in UI design, influencing user experience positively (behavioral nudges) or negatively (dark patterns). [ more ]
2 months ago
Graphic design

Principles of Typography in UI Design

Typography is a crucial element of UI design, impacting readability, user experience, and brand identity. [ more ]
Browser London
2 months ago
UX design

What Does the Future of User Interface Design Look Like? - Browser London

The role of UX in adapting to evolving user interface technologies. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Figma Config 2024

AI for Figma introduces game-changing design features. [ more ]
6 days ago
UX design

Principles of Spacing in UI Design: A Beginner's Guide to the 4-Point Spacing System

Creating visually appealing UI relies on proper spacing for clean design and user engagement. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
UX design

3 things I see in products, that make my heart break

Designers notice small mistakes in design, sparking curiosity and frustration, motivating improvement. [ more ]
2 months ago
UX design

Dark patterns versus behavioural nudges in UX

Psychology plays a crucial role in UI design, influencing user experience positively (behavioral nudges) or negatively (dark patterns). [ more ]
2 months ago
Graphic design

Principles of Typography in UI Design

Typography is a crucial element of UI design, impacting readability, user experience, and brand identity. [ more ]
Browser London
2 months ago
UX design

What Does the Future of User Interface Design Look Like? - Browser London

The role of UX in adapting to evolving user interface technologies. [ more ]
6 days ago
Web design

Figma just released this 5 new massive updates for 2024

Figma unveiled five major updates at Config 2024, highlighting a new UI and AI features. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

There is a huge problem about Fake UI Designers

Browsing social networks is a key source of inspiration for many UI designers.
A concerning trend of 'fake' UI designers creating designs lacking functionality and meaning is emerging. [ more ]
6 days ago
Web design

Figma just released this 5 new massive updates for 2024

Figma unveiled five major updates at Config 2024, highlighting a new UI and AI features. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

There is a huge problem about Fake UI Designers

Browsing social networks is a key source of inspiration for many UI designers.
A concerning trend of 'fake' UI designers creating designs lacking functionality and meaning is emerging. [ more ]
1 month ago
UX design

Defining process, life outside of Figma, giving better design presentations

Be cautious of trademarked design processes and find what works best for your team and users. [ more ]
2 months ago
Graphic design

Principles of Typography in UI Design

Typography is crucial in UI design for readability and brand identity. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago
Web design

Why you shouldn't use vertical trim in Figma (yet) - LogRocket Blog

Figma's vertical trim feature helps solve spacing issues caused by excess leading, enhancing design accuracy and easing development adjustments. [ more ]
1 month ago
UX design

Defining process, life outside of Figma, giving better design presentations

Be cautious of trademarked design processes and find what works best for your team and users. [ more ]
2 months ago
Graphic design

Principles of Typography in UI Design

Typography is crucial in UI design for readability and brand identity. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago
Web design

Why you shouldn't use vertical trim in Figma (yet) - LogRocket Blog

Figma's vertical trim feature helps solve spacing issues caused by excess leading, enhancing design accuracy and easing development adjustments. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago
UX design

What is claymorphism in web design? - LogRocket Blog

Claymorphism is a visually appealing and friendly UI design approach with potential for enhanced user engagement. [ more ]
2 months ago
Web design

Making more impactful design presentations

Improving public speaking skills is essential for advancing in UX, UI, or Product Design careers. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
2 months ago
Web design

Whatsapp's UI redesign looks clean and fresh

WhatsApp has revamped its UI design with a new color palette and improved accessibility features. [ more ]
2 months ago
UX design

Dark patterns versus behavioural nudges in UX

UI design is heavily influenced by psychology, with ethical considerations playing a crucial role in distinguishing between behavioral nudges and dark patterns. [ more ]
2 months ago

Counter Style 279

Embrace creativity in UI design by leveraging interactive elements like 3D slider, auto-complete, barcode, etc., enhancing user experience. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web design

Using a single dimension scale for all numbers in your UI designs

Defining a dimension scale is a crucial step in a design system to enhance consistency and reduce errors in screen designs and production code. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago
UX design

Creating a UI style guide - LogRocket Blog

A style guide in UI helps define the foundational elements of design, such as color, fonts, typography, and buttons.
The purpose of a style guide is to make purpose-led decisions and create a beautiful UI for the product. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web design

Using a single dimension scale for all numbers in your UI designs

Defining a dimension scale is a crucial step in a design system to enhance consistency and reduce errors in screen designs and production code. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago
UX design

Creating a UI style guide - LogRocket Blog

A style guide in UI helps define the foundational elements of design, such as color, fonts, typography, and buttons.
The purpose of a style guide is to make purpose-led decisions and create a beautiful UI for the product. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
3 months ago
Graphic design

Oreo reckons it inspired the design of an ubiquitous UI icon

The hamburger menu commonly seen on websites and apps was potentially inspired by the Big Mac and Oreo cookies.
Brands like McDonald's and Oreo are playfully claiming credit for the design of the hamburger menu.
There is speculation about potential sponsorship opportunities through naming rights for app menus. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web design

The Hybrid Designer: Mastering UI Design and Web Integration

Combining UI Design and web integration skills enhances design professionals' value and understanding of technology.
Mastery of both skills leads to better-designed interfaces and improved collaboration with development teams. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

Why UI designers should understand Flexbox and CSS Grid

Move beyond rigid column-based layouts with modern CSS for dynamic designs.
Understanding each other's tools and limitations is crucial for collaboration between designers and developers. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web design

The Hybrid Designer: Mastering UI Design and Web Integration

Combining UI Design and web integration skills enhances design professionals' value and understanding of technology.
Mastery of both skills leads to better-designed interfaces and improved collaboration with development teams. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

Why UI designers should understand Flexbox and CSS Grid

Move beyond rigid column-based layouts with modern CSS for dynamic designs.
Understanding each other's tools and limitations is crucial for collaboration between designers and developers. [ more ]
3 months ago
Data science

How to set a Java JFrame title

Two ways to set JFrame title: during construction or using setTitle method.
setTitle method can change title of an existing JFrame. [ more ]
3 months ago
Graphic design

Design Monthly Vol. 8

Inspiration is everywhere if you have the right mindset.
Drawing inspiration from various fields like architecture and graphic design is beneficial. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

Why UI designers should understand Flexbox and CSS Grid

Move beyond responsive column-based design with modern CSS layouts
Understanding each other's tools and limitations is crucial for collaboration in design and development [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

Responsive layout grid in Figma

Responsive layout grids in Figma ensure design adaptability across screens.
Creating columns grid in Figma aids in aligning UI elements horizontally. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

Why UI designers should understand Flexbox and CSS Grid

Move beyond responsive column-based design with modern CSS layouts
Understanding each other's tools and limitations is crucial for collaboration in design and development [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

Responsive layout grid in Figma

Responsive layout grids in Figma ensure design adaptability across screens.
Creating columns grid in Figma aids in aligning UI elements horizontally. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago
Web development

Mojo CSS vs. Tailwind: Choosing the best CSS framework - LogRocket Blog

CSS frameworks like Tailwind and Mojo CSS enhance web design by offering customizable components and improved performance.
Mojo CSS introduces a revolutionary approach by building UI without shipping CSS, aiming to enhance web performance significantly. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

Navigating the Digital Landscape: Understanding the Intricacies Between UX and UI Design - eLearning

UX and UI design are distinct facets with unique influences on the user journey.
Embracing the nuances leads to creating experiences that leave a lasting impact on users. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
4 months ago
UX design

All accessible touch target sizes - LogRocket Blog

Accessibility in UX design is vital for enhancing usability and user satisfaction.
Target size in UI design is crucial for ensuring user interaction consistency. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
5 months ago
UX design

Pop-ups, popovers, and poppers: What are they and when do you use them? - LogRocket Blog

Establishing a consistent terminology is important in UX and UI design teams for clear communication and collaboration.
Pop-ups, popovers, and poppers are commonly conflated terms in UI design and have different functions. [ more ]
6 months ago
UX design

What Does Make UI/UX Essential in Software Development? - eLearning

UI/UX design is critical to the success of a software product
The global UI and UX Design Software market is predicted to reach USD 4093.63 million by 2028 [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

Navigating the Digital Landscape: Understanding the Intricacies Between UX and UI Design - eLearning

UX and UI design are distinct facets with unique influences on the user journey.
Embracing the nuances leads to creating experiences that leave a lasting impact on users. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
4 months ago
UX design

All accessible touch target sizes - LogRocket Blog

Accessibility in UX design is vital for enhancing usability and user satisfaction.
Target size in UI design is crucial for ensuring user interaction consistency. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
5 months ago
UX design

Pop-ups, popovers, and poppers: What are they and when do you use them? - LogRocket Blog

Establishing a consistent terminology is important in UX and UI design teams for clear communication and collaboration.
Pop-ups, popovers, and poppers are commonly conflated terms in UI design and have different functions. [ more ]
6 months ago
UX design

What Does Make UI/UX Essential in Software Development? - eLearning

UI/UX design is critical to the success of a software product
The global UI and UX Design Software market is predicted to reach USD 4093.63 million by 2028 [ more ]
Python GUIs
4 months ago
Graphic design

Adding images to PySide6 applications, using QLabel and QPixmap

Qt uses QLabel, not QImage, to display images in applications.
Qt Designer can be used to easily insert and display external images in a PySide6 application. [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

What can we learn from Japan for UI Design

Japanese aesthetic emphasizes simplicity and functionality
Incorporating cultural principles like Ma and Wabi-Sabi enriches UI design [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

5 Essential Tools for Building UI Libraries Like a Pro

UI libraries are crucial in web development for consistent design
Clear design language and standards ensure UI library consistency
Robust tooling is necessary for UI library management [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

5 Underrated Tools Revolutionizing UI Design

The Figma Community offers templates and plugins for inspiration and efficiency.
AI tools and traditional methods like pencil and highlighters are valuable in UI design. [ more ]
Kyle Shevlin's Blog
4 months ago
Web development

No Outer margin | Kyle Shevlin

Avoid applying outer margins and paddings to the outermost element of a component.
External spacing should not be the responsibility of a reusable component. [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

Apple vs. Android Design: How their design philosophies influence the past and present - LogRocket Blog

Adobe Firefly uses generative AI and machine learning for image creation and editing.
Tips for UI design with Adobe Firefly. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
4 months ago
Web design

Are the Microsoft To Do icons really that bad?

Icons are crucial for clear and quick communication in UI design.
Microsoft To Do app icons faced mixed reactions from Reddit users for their design. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
4 months ago
UX design

Sheets vs. dialogs vs. snackbars: What to use when - LogRocket Blog

User feedback is essential in UX design for error prevention and guiding users.
Dialogs, bottom sheets, and toast notifications provide distinct types of user feedback in UI design. [ more ]
Berlin Startup Jobs
4 months ago
UX design

Job Vacancy: Unity 2D Game Artist * // GameDuell | Design / UX Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

Passion for high-quality games and superior customer experience drives GameDuell's success.
Unity 2D Game Artist role involves creating UI elements and collaborating with diverse teams. [ more ]
1 month ago

Game Dev Diary - Cat Herder - Part 2

Machine feature auto-handles cat needs based on currency; UI indicator at 75 purrs; cost based on total machines. [ more ]
Berlin Startup Jobs
4 months ago
UX design

Job Vacancy: Unity 2D Game Artist * // GameDuell | Design / UX Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

Passion for high-quality games and superior customer experience drives GameDuell's success.
Unity 2D Game Artist role involves creating UI elements and collaborating with diverse teams. [ more ]
1 month ago

Game Dev Diary - Cat Herder - Part 2

Machine feature auto-handles cat needs based on currency; UI indicator at 75 purrs; cost based on total machines. [ more ]
5 months ago
Web design

Making of true multi-brand design system

Decouple components and styles in Figma for easy maintenance and flexibility.
Use style components in Figma similar to CSS classes to create reusable UI element styles. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
5 months ago
Graphic design

It seems Adobe's given up on UI design (for now)

Adobe XD will remain in 'maintenance mode' with no major updates or investment.
Adobe has ruled out resurrecting XD or launching a new UI design tool, but is open to exploring partnerships in the space. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

GitHub - epicweb-dev/pixel-perfect-tailwind: Become a better UI designer with Tailwind - intentionally or accidentally

Improve design implementations with Tailwind for developers with existing CSS knowledge. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Figma to Angular: Convert Designs to Clean Angular Code in a Click

Figma and Angular are popular tools for UI design and development.
Visual Copilot by Builder.io streamlines Figma to Angular code conversion with AI for efficient development.
Visual Copilot ensures responsive design and supports multiple frameworks and styling libraries for versatile integration. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
3 weeks ago
UX design

The Figma Apple UI debacle shows the risks of rushing to launch AI tools

Rapid rollout of generative AI features in creative software poses risks, as shown by Figma's Make Design AI tool incident. [ more ]
5 months ago
Web design

Making of true multi-brand design system

Decouple components and styles in Figma for easy maintenance and flexibility.
Use style components in Figma similar to CSS classes to create reusable UI element styles. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
5 months ago
Graphic design

It seems Adobe's given up on UI design (for now)

Adobe XD will remain in 'maintenance mode' with no major updates or investment.
Adobe has ruled out resurrecting XD or launching a new UI design tool, but is open to exploring partnerships in the space. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

GitHub - epicweb-dev/pixel-perfect-tailwind: Become a better UI designer with Tailwind - intentionally or accidentally

Improve design implementations with Tailwind for developers with existing CSS knowledge. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Figma to Angular: Convert Designs to Clean Angular Code in a Click

Figma and Angular are popular tools for UI design and development.
Visual Copilot by Builder.io streamlines Figma to Angular code conversion with AI for efficient development.
Visual Copilot ensures responsive design and supports multiple frameworks and styling libraries for versatile integration. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
3 weeks ago
UX design

The Figma Apple UI debacle shows the risks of rushing to launch AI tools

Rapid rollout of generative AI features in creative software poses risks, as shown by Figma's Make Design AI tool incident. [ more ]
Vue.js Examples
5 months ago

A Vue.js app designed to help users manage and track their projects effectively

Comprehensive Vue.js Project Tracker
Key Features: Project Management, Filtering, UI Enhancements [ more ]
5 months ago
Web design

RIP To The Best Part Of Persona 3's UI

Reload is a remake of the 2006 original Persona 3 with graphical updates, new social link content, and quality-of-life improvements.
The original Persona 3 had a unique UI design that constantly reminded the player of the theme of death, while Reload removes this visual reference. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
5 months ago
UX design

Glassmorphism: What it is and how it's going - LogRocket Blog

Glassmorphism is a UI trend that creates the illusion of a glass-like texture in interfaces.
Glassmorphism incorporates transparency, layers, background blur, gradients, and shadows to achieve a floating glass effect. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
5 months ago
Web design

Early mockups reignite debate over Nintendo Switch UI design

The appearance of early mockups of the Nintendo Switch UI design has reignited the debate among fans.
The mockups show a busier menu design with more options for customization and familiar icons from the Wii U and 3DS consoles. [ more ]
6 months ago

Bump up modal accessibility with aria attributes and focus trap. Implementations in vanilla JavaScript and React.

Modals are a popular UI feature, but there are important details to consider for a smooth user experience.
The dialog HTML tag, role, aria-modal attribute, and aria-label or aria-labelledby attributes are used to define and identify modals for assistive technology.
Ensuring proper focus management is important for modal interactions, including setting focus inside the modal when it opens and restoring focus when it closes. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
5 months ago
UX design

Checkbox UI design: Best practices and examples - LogRocket Blog

Checkboxes allow users to select multiple options while radio buttons allow only one option. Checkbox requires the user to submit information while toggle switches provide an immediate response.
A checkbox consists of an input element, a label, and a sign that can be either none, checked, or intermediate. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web design

What should we ship?

The new homepage for Vercel prioritizes performance, constraint in visual flair, and aesthetic coherence.
Universally experienced elements of an interface include page speed, legible typography, layout stability, and accessibility. [ more ]
6 months ago

Bump up modal accessibility with aria attributes and focus trap. Implementations in vanilla JavaScript and React.

Modals are a popular UI feature, but there are important details to consider for a smooth user experience.
The dialog HTML tag, role, aria-modal attribute, and aria-label or aria-labelledby attributes are used to define and identify modals for assistive technology.
Ensuring proper focus management is important for modal interactions, including setting focus inside the modal when it opens and restoring focus when it closes. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
5 months ago
UX design

Checkbox UI design: Best practices and examples - LogRocket Blog

Checkboxes allow users to select multiple options while radio buttons allow only one option. Checkbox requires the user to submit information while toggle switches provide an immediate response.
A checkbox consists of an input element, a label, and a sign that can be either none, checked, or intermediate. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web design

What should we ship?

The new homepage for Vercel prioritizes performance, constraint in visual flair, and aesthetic coherence.
Universally experienced elements of an interface include page speed, legible typography, layout stability, and accessibility. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web design

HarmonyOS Next gets closer to prime time, video shows off the new UI design language

HarmonyOS Next is getting closer to release with an updated UI design language.
Huawei is dropping Android support in China for HarmonyOS Next, but retaining it internationally. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
6 months ago
Web design

The Complex But Awesome CSS border-image Property - Smashing Magazine

The CSS border-image property can be used to create decorative accents and shapes in UI designs.
Understanding how the border-image property works and its syntax can help dispel confusion and make it easier to use. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago
UX design

Creating a setup wizard (and when you shouldn't) - LogRocket Blog

A wizard UI is like a guide that leads users through a complex digital interface with ease and efficiency.
A setup wizard is a step-by-step process that allows users to input information in a prescribed order, while a product walkthrough tooltip provides optional information. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago
Web design

How to handle Figma's "missing fonts" warning - LogRocket Blog

Figma is the most used tool for UI design and prototyping, but it has an issue with missing fonts.
If you encounter missing fonts in Figma, make sure you have the font installed, choose a replacement font, or install the Figma font installer for your operating system. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago
Web design

A UX designer's guide to 40 essential UI elements - LogRocket Blog

UI elements provide navigational support and help users control the system they are using.
This article covers forty essential UI design elements that UX designers should be familiar with. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago
Web design

Shadows in UI design: Tips and best practices - LogRocket Blog

Shadows in UI design help create depth and visual hierarchy, making the interface more realistic and intuitive.
Good shadows in UI design are softer and more subtle, with a lower level of contrast compared to the background. [ more ]
Usability Geek
6 months ago

Unveiling Inspiring UI Design Examples and Insights - Usability Geek

UI design is the fusion of form and function, creating seamless and intuitive digital experiences.
UI designers transform complexity into elegant and user-friendly interactions. [ more ]
6 months ago
UX design

If I started UX Design in 2024, Here's What I'd Do!

https://undraw.co Most beginners associate UX design with the use of Figma.
But UI/UX design is a broader field of knowledge and skills.
Stephanie Walter - Senior UX Designer, Mobile Expert, Conference Speaker, Blog writer and Teacher.
7 months ago
Web design

Pixels of the Week - December 17, 2023 by Stephanie Walter - UX Researcher & Designer.

Curated articles and resources about UX Design, User Research, UI and mobile design, HTML, CSS, and the web industry
Currently reading and prefacing Geoffrey Crofte's book 'Formulaire Web - Les erreurs à éviter qui vous coûtent cher'
Experimenting with a foil quill for the Cameo 4 and creating metallic gel pen Winter solstice cards [ more ]
7 months ago

7 UX/UI Design Trends in 2023: Innovations in User Experience

Buttonless UI is an emerging trend in UI/UX design as technology advances.
Buttonless interfaces use alternative methods like gestures and voice commands for user interaction. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
7 months ago
Web design

UI card design: Definition, tutorial, and examples - LogRocket Blog

Cards are a prominent UI element because they present clear information in digestible chunks.
Cards offer enhanced visual appeal, improved information organization, simplified navigation, and adaptability in app design. [ more ]
7 months ago

Dark Mode UI Design Best Practices

Dark mode is a popular UI design style that features dimmed, dark, and grey color themes.
The dark mode trend gained significant momentum in 2019, with the introduction of systemwide dark modes on Android 10 and iOS 13. [ more ]
7 months ago

Typography essentials

Textual information is crucial in UI design for creating a positive user experience.
Typography essentials include understanding typefaces, fonts, and their appropriate use in different contexts.
Serif, sans serif, monospace, and handwritten typefaces each have distinct characteristics and applications. [ more ]
8 months ago
UX design

Test your Design Skills with "The UI Game"

Revamping a website can improve its appearance and user experience.
Adding new content and making design changes can enhance SEO.
The UI Game is a web-based game to test UI design knowledge. [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago

Apple's non-AI WWDC plans include Settings and Control Center revamps

Apple's WWDC plans include AI enhancements, new UI designs for various apps like Settings, Control Center, Messages, and more. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Web design

With the latest iOS 18 developer beta, Apple makes flashlight UI more fun | TechCrunch

Apple introduced UI design changes and improvements like a new flashlight feature in the iOS 15 developer beta 3 update. [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago

Apple's non-AI WWDC plans include Settings and Control Center revamps

Apple's WWDC plans include AI enhancements, new UI designs for various apps like Settings, Control Center, Messages, and more. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Web design

With the latest iOS 18 developer beta, Apple makes flashlight UI more fun | TechCrunch

Apple introduced UI design changes and improvements like a new flashlight feature in the iOS 15 developer beta 3 update. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

What exactly is an AI website builder? We explain.

AI website builders allow quick and easy creation of tailored websites with minimal technical skills required. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
3 weeks ago
Graphic design

Delightful Mac app makes emptying the trash fun

Emptying your digital trash can be made fun with innovative apps like Bananabin, which gamifies the process by visualizing it with digital flies. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Storing Recipes in IndexedDB

IndexedDB feature discussed on show, simplicity of UI for entering data, search feature added with fuzzy string match and case handling issues. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
1 month ago
Web design

New Figma plugin aims to makes it easier to turn designs into websites

Wix Studio introduces Figma Plugin for seamless design-to-website process. [ more ]
1 month ago

Let's hang! An intro to CSS Anchor Positioning with basic examples | utilitybend

The CSS Anchoring API has been fully specced, providing solid elements for creating complex layout structures and supporting the future of HTML Popover API and stylable selects. [ more ]
1 month ago
UX design

How the design of AI tools turns writing into a "collage"

Design of AI text tools involves fragmentation of the page UI into text snippets, cards, prompt boxes, etc., shifting user roles from manual writing to making editorial decisions. [ more ]
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