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16 hours ago

Get Started With Django: Build a Portfolio App Quiz - Real Python

Test your Django knowledge with an interactive quiz to revisit key concepts and features. [ more ]
1 week ago

How I Became a Python Programmer-and Fell Out of Love With the Machine

The importance of having a project to motivate learning programming.
Discovery of new tools or frameworks can spark interest and accelerate learning. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Python's http.server module

Running a local HTTP server using Python's http.server module allows easy navigation of directories with index.html files.
The http.server module in Python can be customized using command-line arguments to specify ports and directories to serve websites from. [ more ]
1 day ago

Web Development Revolution with Shai Reznik - JSJ 628 - JavaScript Jabber

Insightful discussion on web development focusing on the Qwik framework and JavaScript streaming, highlighting technical insights and future AI integration. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 days ago

Using aoi.js to build a bot on Discord - LogRocket Blog

Discord bots in web development streamline tasks and enhance communication within online communities. [ more ]
1 week ago

Using GenAI to Help Pick Your D & D Class

Generative AI integrated with D&D through Class Suggester using Gemini 1.5 API.
Alpine.js used for frontend to display stats and interact with the application. [ more ]
DEV Community
3 weeks ago

Power of Partial Prerendering with Bun

Partial prerendering combines static and dynamic content rendering, enhancing performance.
It involves rendering static components during build-time and deferring dynamic components to runtime. [ more ]
1 month ago

Javascript Web Api

JavaScript web APIs enable browser functionality and web page manipulation.
APIs expand web applications beyond basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript. [ more ]
1 month ago

Mastering Type-Safe JSON Serialization in TypeScript

Data serialization is crucial for various web application functionalities like data transfer, storage, and sharing.
Using JSON for serialization and TypeScript for static code checking enhances error detection during development. [ more ]
Artificial intelligence
1 day ago
Artificial intelligence

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #549

Discover new design and development resources for web projects from Week 16, 2024. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
4 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

"AI can be used for good": A day in the life of senior UX/UI lead engineer Zuzanna Blasco

Focus on curating site pages for AI tools at Newfold Digital/Web.com.
Transition from print work at ASU Print Lab to AI domain generation at Web.com. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Monzo co-founder launches AI startup with ambitions to put software developers out of business

Nustom aims to revolutionize web development with AI
Nustom combines human engineers with AI for quality assurance [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

5 Most In-Demand Skills For Freelancers In 2024, According To Fiverr

AI services are in high demand for freelancers in 2024.
Web development skills require a mix of technical and soft skills for success. [ more ]
moreArtificial intelligence
2 days ago
Web design

What Are the Top 10 Web Development Tools for Beginners?

Web developers design, code, and test websites using various tools and programming languages. The field is growing rapidly due to mobile device usage and E-commerce popularity. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Ruby on Rails

The Ruby on Rails Resurgence - DevOps.com

Ruby combines functional and imperative programming to create an easy-to-use, powerful language where everything is an object.
Ruby on Rails surged in popularity during the 2000s and early 2010s, driving fast web application development. [ more ]
1 month ago

JavaScript || TypeScript : What's Better For You

JavaScript is a versatile scripting language used for interactive web applications.
TypeScript, with static typing, enhances code quality and error detection in large projects. [ more ]
1 month ago

What is JavaScript? The full-stack programming language

JavaScript is the most in-demand language in 2023, with 29% of job offers requiring experience with JavaScript or TypeScript.
JavaScript is widely used for interactive or animated content on webpages and extends beyond browsers to servers and cloud-based applications. [ more ]
TNW | Future-Of-Work
1 month ago
Web development

Why PHP continues to be a popular but divisive programming language

PHP is a persistent programming language with a long-standing presence in the industry.
Despite criticisms, PHP remains actively supported and updated, with major companies like Facebook, Microsoft, and Wikipedia still using it prominently. [ more ]
2 days ago
Web design

Case Study: 84-24 | Codrops

A diverse skill set benefits developers in the evolving field of web development. [ more ]
Speckyboy Design Magazine
1 week ago
Web design

25 Free Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Templates

Tailwind CSS is preferred for admin dashboard design due to control, utility-first approach, and adaptability.
Tailwind CSS templates save time, offer responsiveness, encourage design consistency, and provide a fast solution for admin areas. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Web design

Embracing Web Standards with Owen Buckley - JsJ 626 - JavaScript Jabber

Greenwood project simplifies web development by leveraging web standards and emphasizing HTML and web components.
Greenwood's vision is to provide an onramp close to web standards with seamless integration with HTMX. [ more ]
Speckyboy Design Magazine
2 weeks ago
Web design

20 Free Tailwind CSS Web Templates for Designers & Developers

Tailwind CSS provides a utility-first approach for quick web development with customizable designs.
Tailwind emphasizes speed, efficiency, responsiveness, and minimalistic coding for optimal performance. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Web design

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #546

Magick.css is a minimal classless CSS framework for simple and enjoyable web development.
Various new web development resources like Easy Webpage Summarizer and InterpolateHeatmapLayer offer efficient solutions for developers. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Web design

Link Hover Style 258

Creating dynamic user interfaces
Enhancing user experience [ more ]
1 week ago
UX design

Design Engineering at Vercel: What we do and how we do it - Vercel

Design Engineers at Vercel blend aesthetic sensibility with technical skills to deliver exceptional user experiences.
Collaboration between Designers and Design Engineers at Vercel is integral, focusing on technical exploration to push designs. [ more ]
Geeky Gadgets
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

How to build a website using Claude 3 AI with an AI chat box for visitors to use

Building a website with AI chat box using Claude 3 AI is simplified with step-by-step guide.
Tools required: Visual Studio Code, Claude 3 Playground, HTML/CSS/JavaScript knowledge, website template or design inspiration. [ more ]
Frontend Masters Boost
1 month ago

Streaming HTML

Streamed HTML serves pieces of the document gradually, aiding faster page loading.
It is useful for sites with API bottlenecking, database queries, and slow data sources. [ more ]
Epic Web Dev
1 month ago

Epic React Workshop Series

React experience is highly sought after in web development job listings.
React Server Components and Server Actions are revolutionary technology advancements in React. [ more ]
Frontend Masters Boost
2 weeks ago
Web development

Drawing a Line to Connect Elements with CSS Anchor Positioning

CSS Anchor Positioning provides a better way to position an element in relation to another, reducing the need for heavy JavaScript calculations.
The CSS Anchor Positioning API is still relatively new and currently only supported by Chrome Canary behind an 'Experimental Web Platform Features' flag. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Web development

Rapid vuejs development on Restful json api at utilizecore

Vue.js Developer needed for contract role in NYC
Skills in Vue.js, restfuljs API, and web markup required [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Web development

Pricing Table Style 311

JavaScript is an essential tool for web developers to create interactive and dynamic web pages.
Modern JavaScript libraries and frameworks offer various features such as sliders, auto-complete, checkboxes, and more to enhance user experience. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 weeks ago
Web development

Integrating Next.js and SignalR to build real-time web apps - LogRocket Blog

Real-time web applications with SignalR enable instant data updates without page refresh.
SignalR simplifies building real-time web applications by allowing easy integration with various protocols and handling data communication. [ more ]
Tampa Free Press
4 weeks ago
Web development

Top Content Management Software Options For Your New Website

Behind every website is a CMS that manages content and user interactions.
Types of CMS include open source, proprietary, and SaaS options. [ more ]
David Walsh Blog
1 month ago
Web development

I'm So Old: Web Edition

Web development has evolved significantly over the years with changes in coding practices and tools.
Software engineers may feel a generation gap when referring to old programming practices with younger engineers. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

How to Build a Simple Web Server with Node.js - SitePoint

Implementing a simple web server with Node.js.
Building dynamic web applications.
Exploring Node.js features. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web development

How to Use WebSockets in Node.js to Create Real-time Apps - SitePoint

WebSockets allow fast, two-way communication between a browser and server.
Server-sent events and long polling are limited for true real-time applications. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web development

Best Node.js Framework Choices for Modern App Development - SitePoint

Express framework is ideal for fast development with its minimalist design and high performance.
Node.js ecosystem offers a variety of frameworks like Meteor.js, NestJS, Total.js, and Socket.io for different development needs. [ more ]
1 month ago

How to Use Server-sent Events in Node.js - SitePoint

Server-sent events (SSE) allow a server to push data to the browser at any time without the need for constant refresh or polling mechanisms.
SSE is an efficient way to provide live data updates to clients on the web, enabling real-time information delivery such as news bulletins or stock prices. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Scala Scripting: Powering Functional Programming and Big Data Solutions

Scala is a high-level language combining object-oriented and functional programming on JVM.
Scala scripting enables automation, data processing, and web applications with concise and scalable code. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Web development

The Power of :has() in CSS | CSS-Tricks

The :has() CSS pseudo-class allows styling based on internal elements.
It solves the problem of styling parent elements based on their children with CSS. [ more ]
Amit Merchant - A blog on PHP, JavaScript, and more
3 weeks ago
Web design

Spicing up text with text-emphasis in CSS

The text-emphasis property in CSS allows for various emphasis marks like dots, circles, and emojis.
Text-emphasis can add visual interest and emphasis to text by using different marks and positions. [ more ]
jQuery Script
1 month ago
Web development

Easy jQuery Table Of Contents Plugin - erToc

erToc is a jQuery plugin for generating a table of contents on web pages.
Heading elements are used to create blocks of content for the table of contents. [ more ]
Frontend Masters Boost
1 month ago
Web design

Chill Scroll Snapping: Article Headers

Scroll snapping can enhance the user experience beyond carousels.
Consider implementing scroll snapping for elements like headers to improve the design. [ more ]
Josh Collinsworth
1 month ago
Web development

The quiet, pervasive devaluation of frontend

Frontend practice is being devalued and trivialized.
CSS is often criticized as unmaintainable and not a real programming language. [ more ]
iO tech_hub
1 month ago
Web development

Going beyond pixels and (r)ems in CSS - Container query length units - iO tech_hub

Container queries allow defining element sizes relative to container width.
Units like cqw provide flexibility in styling elements inside containers. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Web design

5 Essential Tools for Building UI Libraries Like a Pro

UI libraries are crucial in web development for consistent design
Clear design language and standards ensure UI library consistency
Robust tooling is necessary for UI library management [ more ]
1 month ago

Alpine.js Workshop this Friday

Last minute free online workshop on Alpine.js at 4 PM CST this Friday.
Invited by Ontario Tech University Google Developer Student Club. [ more ]
1 month ago

Converting a Vue 2 App to Alpine.js

Building simple text game inspired by A Dark Room
Switching from Vue.js to Alpine.js for simpler web pages [ more ]
1 month ago

Frontend Developer at Heiland GmbH

Focus on software development in animal health industry
Opportunity to work with modern web technologies and practices [ more ]
1 month ago

Build a Full-stack App with Node.js and htmx SitePoint

htmx is a modern JavaScript library for enhancing web applications by enabling partial HTML updates without full page reloads.
Contact manager app demonstrating CRUD actions built with htmx provides SPA feel while maintaining usability even with JavaScript disabled. [ more ]
Wisdom Geek
1 month ago

How to keep the screen awake using JavaScript

Allows to keep screen awake using JavaScript
Useful for preventing device lock due to inactivity timeouts [ more ]
1 month ago

JavaScript Runs the World-Maybe Even Literally

John Carmack's interview on Lex Fridman's podcast is extensive and covers various programming topics.
JavaScript's significance in web development and programming is highlighted, despite its reputation among some programmers. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web development

CSS-only bottom-anchored scrolling area

Using JavaScript for scrolling to the bottom may have drawbacks such as potential failure and delays.
Using CSS with reverse-column flex layout can anchor the scroll to the bottom, but it may create a disconnect between visual and DOM order. [ more ]
Practical Ecommerce
1 month ago
Web design

18 Free Web Design Tools, Winter 2024

Free design tools offer various functionalities like logo generation, slogan creation, and AI shortcuts.
Make use of tools like Gem Domains, Logo Packer, and Shotune for design and branding projects. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web development

Model-View-Controller (MVC) in Python Web Apps: Explained With Lego - Real Python

MVC is a fundamental design pattern in web development.
The MVC pattern can be understood using a Lego-based analogy. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web development

Service Box 312

Technology advancements in web development tools and resources are shaping the user experience.
Various interactive elements are enhancing website functionality and engagement. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web design

30+ JavaScript & CSS Snippets For Modern AI App Design

Incorporating modern design trends is crucial for web developers working on SaaS and AI tools.
The provided CSS and JavaScript code snippets cater to creating sleek UIs with gradient text, neon borders, dynamic backgrounds, and interactive elements. [ more ]
jQuery Script
1 month ago
Web development

HTML Image Maps Plugin With jQuery - ImageMapster

ImageMapster is a jQuery plugin for HTML image maps without Flash
It offers features like highlighting areas, creating effects, tooltips, grouping, and auto-scaling [ more ]
1 month ago
Web design

Link Hover Style 257

Web development tools for user interface design and interaction. [ more ]
Vue.js Examples
1 month ago
Web development

Folio-Magazine: Crafting Captivating Portfolios with Nuxt 3

Folio-Magazine utilizes Tailwind CSS for easy styling and customization.
The project includes a built-in color mode for seamless theme switching. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web design

CSS Text Effect Style 230

Different Types of Web Elements
Various Web Functionality Features [ more ]
1 month ago
Web development

Tools and Strategies for Efficient Web Project Management - SitePoint

Structured workflow is essential for successful web development projects
Efficient time management and collaboration are key components of a structured web development workflow [ more ]
1 month ago
UX design

"Spine," an article by Dan Mall

SuperFriendly created a marketing site with specific outcomes and deliverables.
Client agreed to pay SuperFriendly $32,500.00 USD in installments. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web design


Simple web page for playing healing tuning forks frequencies with no external dependencies
Project Healing-Frequencies is Open Source with MIT license [ more ]
1 month ago
Web design

healing-frequencies - use your computer as a tuning fork

Simple web page to play healing tuning forks frequencies using plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with no external dependencies.
Healing-Frequencies is an open source project on GitHub with an MIT license. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web development

Preloader Style 425

JavaScript libraries offer various functionalities like form validation, sliders, and date pickers.
Implementing these tools can enhance user experience and streamline website development. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
1 month ago

Success At Scale: Last Chance For Pre-Sale Price - Smashing Magazine

Get the book 'Success at Scale' at presale price before it increases.
The book 'Success at Scale' features best-practice case studies from industry experts like Instagram, Netflix, and Spotify. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web development

Service Box 311

JavaScript libraries offer a wide range of functionalities for web development.
Implementing various JavaScript functionalities enhances user experience and interactivity. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web design

Retrofitting fluid typography

Fluid typography allows for responsive design without using media queries.
Declarative design approach focuses on setting boundaries and letting mathematics fill in design gaps. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web design

Exploring the Creative Power of CSS Filters and Blending - SitePoint

CSS filters offer a variety of visual effects like grayscale, blur, and contrast.
CSS filters can be applied to elements to enhance the aesthetics of web content. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
1 month ago
Web development

The End Of My Gatsby Journey - Smashing Magazine

Gatsby.js was initially a favored framework for the writer, but challenges like slow builds and outdated dependencies led to a shift in tooling choices.
The writer opted for a single-page application (SPA) using Vite and React over Gatsby for a time-sensitive project due to concerns like slow builds and plugin issues. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web design

CSS Text Effect Style 229

Libraries have been created to enhance the user experience on websites through features such as autocomplete, barcode scanning, sliders, and more. [ more ]
The JetBrains Blog
1 month ago

Deploying Django Apps in Kubernetes | The PyCharm Blog

Kubernetes offers resilience and flexibility for Django applications
Django simplifies web development with built-in tools and adherence to DRY principle [ more ]
1 month ago
Web development

Counter Style 271

Incorporating animation effects improves user experience.
Minimizing form fields and optimizing layout boosts form completion rates. [ more ]
Bootstrap Creative
1 month ago
Web development

How to publish a page in development mode without HubSpot content staging [code snippet] 2024 - Bootstrap Creative

Using meta no-index tag and an alert message can prevent content staging in HubSpot CMS Starter.
Removing the meta no-index tag before publishing allows Google to crawl and index the site. [ more ]
A List Apart
1 month ago
Web design

The Wax and the Wane of the Web

Change is constant in parenting and design/development
Web design and development has evolved over the years [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
1 month ago
Web development

Modern CSS Tooltips And Speech Bubbles (Part 1) - Smashing Magazine

Tooltips in CSS can be tricky due to the need for magic numbers.
Modern CSS techniques offer flexibility in creating tooltips with minimal markup. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web development

An HTML Switch Control

Switches are introduced as a new HTML form control in Safari 17.4 with the ability to customize using CSS accent-color.
The addition of switches aims to provide a familiar, accessible, and stylable option for developers, following the approach of existing form controls in HTML. [ more ]
1 month ago

Understanding Cookies and Sessions in React - SitePoint

Cookies are small chunks of data stored by the web browser for the web server.
Sessions represent the time users spend browsing a website and store user-specific data during a visit. [ more ]
The Jerusalem Post | JPost.com
1 month ago
Web design

Top 4 Web Development Services: Select for Long-Term Success

Expert web development services are crucial for a successful digital strategy.
Fiverr's 'Top 4 Web Development Services' offer innovative and reliable solutions for businesses. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web development

Button Style 244

JavaScript skills in high demand
Many applications rely on JavaScript [ more ]
1 month ago
Web development

Senior Full-stack Engineer - Vue.js/Nuxt at Slides With Friends

Slides With Friends offers an interactive platform for group presentations and team building.
They are seeking to hire a software engineer with experience in VueJS and a strong background in writing clean and reliable code. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web development

Product Grid Style 292

HTML5 Canvas element allows for creating animations, games, and interactive content.
JavaScript libraries simplify the creation of complex web components like sliders, autocomplete, and captcha forms. [ more ]
jQuery Script
1 month ago
Web design

Dynamically Change Page Backgrounds With Screen Color jQuery Plugin

Screen Color plugin enables instant background color changes with readable text.
Customizable color themes improve user experience and accessibility. [ more ]
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