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1 month ago


A JavaScript library, faces.js, generates cartoon faces in SVG format with limited features. Users can add new options through forking the GitHub repository. [ more ]
Speckyboy Design Magazine
3 months ago
Web design

Examples of SVG Shape Usage in Web Design

SVG offers versatile design elements
SVG provides flexibility and responsiveness for modern design
SVG can be used for animations and special effects [ more ]
The Verge
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Apple's latest prototype AI tool can animate images using text descriptions

Apple has unveiled Keyframer, a generative AI animation tool that allows users to add motion to 2D images by describing how they should be animated.
Keyframer is based on OpenAI's GPT4 model and can take SVG files and generate CSS code to animate the image based on a text prompt.
The tool simplifies the animation process by eliminating the need for multiple applications and coding experience. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web development

How to Create Animated GIFs from GSAP Animations - SitePoint

The article explains how to convert animations created using GSAP into animated GIFs using modern-gif.
The method involves capturing SVG data on each 'update' of the Tween and converting it into rasterized image data for each frame of the GIF. [ more ]
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