@micshasan / Local SFSFPD arrests woman who vandalized several Mission District businesses with graffitiA woman was arrested for vandalizing businesses by spray-painting graffiti over murals in San Francisco's Mission District.
@micshasan / Local SF'Imposing and dreadful': Report alleges SF Zoo is unsafeSan Francisco Zoo is criticized for outdated habitats and mismanagement, requiring modern redesign to ensure animal welfare and safety.
@micshasan / Local SFThundercat to Play a Free Show in Golden Gate Park | KQEDThundercat's concert highlights San Francisco's vibrant summer music scene, featuring a mix of genres and celebrated artists.
@micshasan / Local SFHere's what we learned from interviews with top SF mayoral candidatesSan Francisco mayoral candidates discuss their plans to improve quality of life amidst challenges like crime, homelessness, and economic recovery.
@micshasan / Local SFWaterfront Stunner Cliff House Needs 'Much More Than $10 Million' in Repairs to ReopenCliff House reopening delayed until 2025 due to over $10 million repair costs.Name disputes over 'Cliff House' impact the reopening plans.Jules expands from a pop-up to a permanent location in San Francisco.
@micshasan / Local SFThe best and worst of San Francisco's Dreamforce 2024Salesforce's Dreamforce showcases its branding and influence through active leadership discussions and emotional intelligence in tech.
@micshasan / Local SFSuspects found guilty in 2017 San Francisco Twin Peaks murder of photographerJustice served for Ed French's murder after a lengthy legal process spanning seven years.
@micshasan / Local SFThe number of top-ranked restaurants in California continues to fallCalifornia's top restaurants face challenges with notable businesses leaving, but the state maintains high culinary standards.
@micshasan / Local SFMichelin star restaurants in the Bay Area: The 2024 listCalifornia Michelin stars awarded with 85 restaurants honored, 6 receiving three stars.
@micshasan / Local SFAs San Francisco cracks down on homeless encampments, a question rises: Where will people go?San Francisco is aggressively clearing homeless encampments, facing challenges in relocating people.
@micshasan / Local SF7 months agoHoly moly. Quite a bit of transition, but a huge array of fine dining still available in SF, along with some excellent new places to try. I'm particularly excited aboput 7 Adams and Kiln.Here Are the 2024 Michelin Star Winners in the Bay AreaEarning a Michelin star brings prestige but also immense pressure to maintain it.