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3 weeks ago
OMG science

Synchronization between the body's circadian clocks can prevent aging

Circadian rhythms are crucial for life and without them, aging accelerates. [ more ]
1 month ago

Here's The One Thing Sleep Doctors Never, Ever Do In The Morning

Proper sleep hygiene practices from sleep experts include not lingering in bed and getting up immediately upon waking.
Maintaining a strict wake-up time even on weekends is crucial for regulating circadian rhythms and avoiding social jet lag. [ more ]
2 months ago

Here's how to ease you and your child's transition Daylight Saving Time

Start adapting to Daylight Saving Time by going to bed and waking up earlier gradually.
Adjust other daily routines like meals and exercise to help with the transition. [ more ]
3 months ago
Remote teams

What Is Chronoworking and Could It Be the End of the 9 to 5?

Different work schedules based on individual circadian rhythms can increase productivity.
Customized work schedules, like the four-day work week, can improve employee happiness and maintain productivity. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago

7 ways to stay productive during the last Mercury retrograde of 2023

Mercury retrograde can affect productivity, especially during a busy month like December
Listening to your body and adjusting your schedule can help boost productivity during Mercury retrograde [ more ]
4 months ago

Is It Better To Shower In The Morning Or At Night? Well, It Depends.

Showering at night can enhance sleep by augmenting the decrease in core body temperature necessary for sleep initiation.
To thoroughly take advantage of sleep-related benefits, you should try to shower approximately 30 minutes or less before bed. [ more ]
6 months ago

People with obesity burn less energy during day

New research suggests that weight influences how and when bodies burn energy.
People with a healthy weight use more energy during the day, while those with obesity spend more energy during the night.
The timing of when our bodies burn energy differs in those with obesity, but the reasons for this are still unclear. [ more ]
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