Web development

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23 hours ago
Web development

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #550

Discover the latest design and development resources from Web Design & Development News Collective #550 in Week 17, 2024. [ more ]
1 day ago
Web development

The (Frontend||UI||UX) Developer/Engineer Handbook 2024

Frontend developers use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create user interfaces for websites and applications. [ more ]
Frontend Masters Boost
1 week ago
Web development

Things That Can Break aspect-ratio in CSS

CSS aspect-ratio property is useful for flexible designs without fixed dimensions, but can be overridden if both height and width are set on an element. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 days ago
Web development

Understanding the CSS revert-layer keyword - LogRocket Blog

CSS cascade layers help manage styling conflicts more effectively than using !important property. [ more ]
Kilian Valkhof | Front-end & user experience developer
3 days ago
Web development

Your page can't change media features | Kilian Valkhof

Your page cannot change media features. [ more ]
3 days ago
Web development

Comparing Full Stack and Headless CMS Platforms - SitePoint

CMS simplifies website management by separating content from design, allowing easy collaboration and customization. [ more ]
1 week ago
Web development

Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka "Masonry" layout

CSS Grid Level 2, aka Subgrid, introduced advancements but did not address masonry layout until recently. [ more ]
Speckyboy Design Magazine
4 days ago
Web development

Better Web Security Means Less Convenience - For Now

The convenience of the web comes with security risks. Balancing user experience with security measures like 2FA is crucial. [ more ]
1 week ago
Web development

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #549

Discover new design and development resources for web projects from Week 16, 2024. [ more ]
1 week ago
Web development

7 Easy Ways to Make a Magento 2 Website Faster - SitePoint

Utilize Varnish caching, implement a cache warmer, move JavaScript to bottom of the page to enhance Magento 2 site speed. [ more ]
The New Stack
1 week ago
Web development

New Wasm Project Brings Web Components to Backend Languages

An open source WebAssembly project brings web components to other languages, allowing devs to share web components across digital properties.
1 week ago
Web development

Web Development Revolution with Shai Reznik - JSJ 628 - JavaScript Jabber

Insightful discussion on web development focusing on the Qwik framework and JavaScript streaming, highlighting technical insights and future AI integration. [ more ]
1 week ago
Web development

What Are the Top 10 Web Development Tools for Beginners?

Web developers design, code, and test websites using various tools and programming languages. The field is growing rapidly due to mobile device usage and E-commerce popularity. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
1 week ago
Web development

Converting Plain Text To Encoded HTML With Vanilla JavaScript - Smashing Magazine

Creating HTML from plain text can be done using tools, Markdown, or building a custom solution with HTML, CSS, and JS. [ more ]
What if you had real control over Light Mode / Dark Mode on a per-site basis? Let the user decide which color-scheme they want on a per-site basis and store that. This is a very nice proof of concept by @bramus here.

2 weeks ago
Web development

What if you had real control over Light Mode / Dark Mode on a per-site basis?

Dark Mode Toggle Buttons as a browser feature can be achieved with the Web Preferences API. [ more ]
1 week ago
Web development

Beyond Git: How version control systems are evolving for devops

Version control systems are essential for tracking changes in source code, becoming increasingly vital with the growing demand for software and data. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 week ago
Web development

Web Components adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket Blog

Web Components allow developers to create reusable custom elements using modern web standards. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Web development

What if you had real control over Light Mode / Dark Mode on a per-site basis?

Dark Mode Toggle Buttons as a browser feature can be achieved with the Web Preferences API. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
1 week ago
Web development

How To Monitor And Optimize Google Core Web Vitals - Smashing Magazine

Core Web Vitals metrics impact website experience and search result rankings; monitoring and optimization are crucial for user experience and SEO. [ more ]
1 week ago
Web development

CSS in React Server Components

React Server Components bring fundamental changes in how React works, impacting CSS-in-JS libraries compatibility. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
2 weeks ago
Web development

Penpot's CSS Grid Layout: Designing With Superpowers - Smashing Magazine

Penpot offers an open-source design tool based on open web standards, focusing on efficiency and collaboration among designers and developers. [ more ]
Frontend Masters Boost
2 weeks ago
Web development

Gap is the new Margin

Margin property in CSS might break component encapsulation at the design system level. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Web development

How would you build Wordle with just HTML & CSS? | Scott Jehl, Web Designer/Developer

Depth of understanding of web standard technologies is crucial in front-end interviews.
Assessing a candidate's knowledge of when to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is key in building complex applications. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
3 weeks ago
Web development

Infinite-Scrolling Logos In Flat HTML And Pure CSS - Smashing Magazine

CSS can replace deprecated HTML elements like <marquee> for auto-scrolling features.
Despite limited resources on auto-scrolling elements, CSS provides the tools needed for such effects. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Web development

Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 191

Safari Technology Preview Release 191 now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura.
Update includes various new features, resolved accessibility issues, authentication fixes, CSS improvements, JavaScript enhancements, and lockdown mode updates. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Web development

The Power of :has() in CSS | CSS-Tricks

The :has() CSS pseudo-class allows styling based on internal elements.
It solves the problem of styling parent elements based on their children with CSS. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Web development

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #548

A diverse range of design and development resources including Javascript libraries, CSS snippets, and web components were highlighted in the article. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Web development

Quick Tip: How to Animate Text Gradients and Patterns in CSS - SitePoint

Animating background gradient is achieved by adjusting background size and setting up animations using CSS. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 weeks ago
Web development

Building web-based terminal components with Termino.js - LogRocket Blog

Terminals are a way to access applications using a set of predefined commands.
2 weeks ago
Web development

Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 192

Release 192 of Safari Technology Preview includes new features and resolved issues across various categories like Authentication, CSS, JavaScript, Media, Rendering, Web API, and Web Extensions.
Web Inspector improvements include fixing console clearing issues when reopening. [ more ]
GREY Journal
2 weeks ago
Web development

Why You Should Choose Custom Web Design Over Templates - GREY Journal

Custom web design prioritizes user experience and tailored approaches.
Custom web design allows for integration of interactive elements and brand identity representation. [ more ]
Bootstrap Creative
2 weeks ago
Web development

Google Helpful Content Update, New Keyword Wrapper Tool, Code for Marketers | 3 Things - March, 2024

Optimizing INP improves user experience but doesn't guarantee ranking boost.
Be cautious with tactical SEO advice post the Helpful Content core update. [ more ]
Speckyboy Design Magazine
2 weeks ago
Web development

25 Free Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Templates

Tailwind CSS is preferred for admin dashboard design due to control, utility-first approach, and adaptability.
Tailwind CSS templates save time, offer responsiveness, encourage design consistency, and provide a fast solution for admin areas. [ more ]
Frontend Masters Boost
3 weeks ago
Web development

Drawing a Line to Connect Elements with CSS Anchor Positioning

CSS Anchor Positioning provides a better way to position an element in relation to another, reducing the need for heavy JavaScript calculations.
The CSS Anchor Positioning API is still relatively new and currently only supported by Chrome Canary behind an 'Experimental Web Platform Features' flag. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Web development

Council Post: 10 SEO Tips For Beginners

SEO is crucial for more web traffic and business/sales. Website performance optimization is key for better search results. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Web development

Sending Email Using Node.js - SitePoint

Web applications require email functionalities for various purposes.
NodeMailer is a popular module for sending email in Node.js. [ more ]
Geeky Gadgets
2 weeks ago
Web development

How to use ChatGPT to code any programming language

ChatGPT is a valuable AI tool for enhancing coding skills and streamlining development processes.
A strong foundation in programming languages like Python, Node.js, CSS, and HTML is essential for effectively using ChatGPT. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Web development

The Hybrid Designer: Mastering UI Design and Web Integration

Combining UI Design and web integration skills enhances design professionals' value and understanding of technology.
Mastery of both skills leads to better-designed interfaces and improved collaboration with development teams. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Web development

Unleashing Creativity: Becoming a Web Designer with Adobe Suite - eLearning

Web design has evolved from simple HTML pages to dynamic websites, requiring a blend of technical expertise and creative skills.
Web designers play a crucial role in creating user-centric designs that not only look good but also function seamlessly. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Web development

New HTTP/2 DoS attack can crash web servers with a single connection

HTTP/2 protocol has vulnerabilities like CONTINUATION Flood, leading to DoS attacks.
HTTP/2, introduced in 2015, aims to enhance web performance by enabling more efficient data transmission and multiplexing over a single connection. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 weeks ago
Web development

Using Figma Anima for design-to-code handoff - LogRocket Blog

Traditional design handoff tools only translate Figma properties to styling code, design-to-code tools produce complete but often bloated code.
Anima's AI solution offers cleaner code generation in various languages like React and Vue, addressing inefficiencies in existing design handoff tools. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
3 weeks ago
Web development

What Is Custom eLearning Content And What Are The Benefits?

Custom eLearning content can be tailored to specific needs, objectives, and budgets.
Custom eLearning solutions offer flexibility in design, audience targeting, branding, and addressing organizational challenges. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Web development

Brave For Mac Performance Metrics & Benchmarks

Brave is significantly faster than Chrome in performance and efficiency.
Brave is an open-source browser that prioritizes user privacy by blocking tracking elements like ad scripts and cookies. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Web development

Embracing Web Standards with Owen Buckley - JsJ 626 - JavaScript Jabber

Greenwood project simplifies web development by leveraging web standards and emphasizing HTML and web components.
Greenwood's vision is to provide an onramp close to web standards with seamless integration with HTMX. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 weeks ago
Web development

CSS Hooks and the state of CSS-in-JS - LogRocket Blog

Inline styles simplify component styling but face limitations like no media queries or pseudo-classes. CSS-in-JS combines encapsulation with traditional CSS flexibility. CSS Hooks offer React developers a familiar way to leverage CSS-in-JS benefits. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Web development

An Interactive Guide to CSS Container Queries

CSS container queries focus on adjusting components based on container width, not just viewport width.
Using container queries allows for more precise control over component behavior compared to traditional media queries. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Web development

Linux Foundation backs open source alternative to Redis

AWS, Google, and Oracle support Linux Foundation's fork of Redis due to restrictive license changes.
New database Valkey, a fork of Redis, continues under BSD license with wide industry support. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Web development

Top 4 Tools for Developing APIs

Building efficient APIs is crucial for software development.
Proper selection of API development tools impacts project success. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Web development

GitHub - saasfly/saasfly: Your Next Template! Don't buy boilerplate or template anymore! A magic trip start with `bun create saasfly` . The more stars, the more surprises

Saasfly provides an enterprise-grade Next.js boilerplate for building SaaS applications quickly and easily.
The company offers free technical support to non-profit organizations and dedicates all profits from open-source projects to support charitable causes. [ more ]
Elly Loel
4 weeks ago
Web development

Front-end development's identity crisis

Specializing in specific areas like web design and accessibility is valuable despite the trend towards full-stack development.
Different coding languages suit different people, and forcing expertise in all areas can lead to subpar work. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 weeks ago
Web development

Mojo CSS vs. Tailwind: Choosing the best CSS framework - LogRocket Blog

CSS frameworks like Tailwind and Mojo CSS enhance web design by offering customizable components and improved performance.
Mojo CSS introduces a revolutionary approach by building UI without shipping CSS, aiming to enhance web performance significantly. [ more ]
Speckyboy Design Magazine
3 weeks ago
Web development

20 Free Tailwind CSS Web Templates for Designers & Developers

Tailwind CSS provides a utility-first approach for quick web development with customizable designs.
Tailwind emphasizes speed, efficiency, responsiveness, and minimalistic coding for optimal performance. [ more ]
GREY Journal
4 weeks ago
Web development

Top 10 Web Design Companies in Los Angeles - GREY Journal

Los Angeles is a hub for innovation and technology.
Top-rated web design companies in LA focus on strategic approaches and user experience. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Web development

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #546

Magick.css is a minimal classless CSS framework for simple and enjoyable web development.
Various new web development resources like Easy Webpage Summarizer and InterpolateHeatmapLayer offer efficient solutions for developers. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Web development

Rapid vuejs development on Restful json api at utilizecore

Vue.js Developer needed for contract role in NYC
Skills in Vue.js, restfuljs API, and web markup required [ more ]
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