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LogRocket Blog
1 month ago
Web design

A designer's guide to flexbox and grid layout - LogRocket Blog

UI design tools are improving in translating design to code, impacting development processes. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
1 month ago

Beyond CSS Media Queries - Smashing Magazine

Media queries remain vital in responsive design despite modern CSS techniques offering additional options for layout adaptation. [ more ]
Epic Web Dev
2 weeks ago
Web design

Fluid Hover Cards with Tailwind CSS Tutorial

Tailwind CSS, Flexbox, and CSS Grid enable responsive designs and engaging interactions. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
1 month ago

Beyond CSS Media Queries - Smashing Magazine

Media queries remain vital in responsive design despite modern CSS techniques offering additional options for layout adaptation. [ more ]
Epic Web Dev
2 weeks ago
Web design

Fluid Hover Cards with Tailwind CSS Tutorial

Tailwind CSS, Flexbox, and CSS Grid enable responsive designs and engaging interactions. [ more ]
Speckyboy Design Magazine
3 months ago
Web design

8 CSS Snippets for Creating Bento Grid Layouts

Bento grid layouts are popular due to their symmetry and seamless look inspired by Japanese culture.
CSS Grid and Flexbox have made building Bento layouts easier, eliminating the need for hacks or workarounds. [ more ]
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