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Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 month ago
Mental health

Could Your Neurodivergence Be Linked to Depression? Let's Find Out

Neurodivergence includes variations in brain structures; it's not negative and can bring strengths like creativity and focus. [ more ]
7 months ago
Mental health

How Neurodivergent Minds Challenge Conventional Notions of Romance

Relationships are challenging and require work to accept and make peace with ourselves.
Societal norms can make relationships even more difficult, as they impose unrealistic expectations on individuals.
Neurodivergent individuals face unique challenges in navigating relationships due to societal norms and pressure. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Mental health

Find people who understand you and be kind to yourself': an expert guide to living well with neurodiversity

Celebrate achievements, forgive yourself, embrace neurodivergence as part of identity, prioritize self-care and understand how neurodivergence impacts life. [ more ]
7 months ago
Mental health

How Neurodivergent Minds Challenge Conventional Notions of Romance

Relationships are challenging and require work to accept and make peace with ourselves.
Societal norms can make relationships even more difficult, as they impose unrealistic expectations on individuals.
Neurodivergent individuals face unique challenges in navigating relationships due to societal norms and pressure. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Mental health

Find people who understand you and be kind to yourself': an expert guide to living well with neurodiversity

Celebrate achievements, forgive yourself, embrace neurodivergence as part of identity, prioritize self-care and understand how neurodivergence impacts life. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

I Tried AI to Soften My Professional Emails. It Worked Surprisingly Well

The challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals in managing daily tasks and communication. [ more ]
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