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3 weeks ago
Media industry

Protest Paradigm' Shows What's Wrong with Media Coverage of Student Activism

Protests can appear differently to participants and onlookers, with media coverage often focusing on disruptions rather than underlying messages. [ more ]
Fast Company
4 weeks ago

6 mistakes to avoid when building your brand

Building a brand involves creating a lifestyle that reflects the company's purpose and values, not just a style guide or visual aesthetics. [ more ]
Pierre Ricadat's Tech Blog
2 months ago

Supporting high-performance response streaming in Shardcake

Shardcake simplifies entity distribution and messaging across servers with location transparency.
Challenges arise in streaming messages to multiple recipients with possibility of encountering issues. [ more ]
The Verge
2 months ago
Tech industry

The lock-in problem at the heart of the Apple monopoly lawsuit

Apple's protective policies limit competition by making it difficult for iPhone users to switch to other devices.
Apple restricts messaging features between iOS and Android users, leading to social pressure to stay on iPhone. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

It's Time to Admit iMessage Is Holding Us Back

Apple has successfully blocked the Beeper Mini messaging app that allowed Android phones to communicate with iPhones as 'blue bubbles' like iMessage
The incident highlights the issue of tying the value of iPhone to a specific feature like messaging, making Apple appear anti-competitive. [ more ]
The Verge
3 months ago
Privacy technologies

Signal will soon let you share a username instead of your phone number

Signal introduces usernames for quick connections without sharing phone numbers.
Usernames in Signal are not publicly visible and can be changed anytime. [ more ]
3 months ago
San Francisco

Messaging About Vision Zero Matters - Here's How To Do It Better - Streetsblog USA

Advocates need to convince communities that structural reform is necessary for traffic safety.
Messaging should focus on concrete solutions rather than technical terms. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Obama alum Van Jones tells Biden to 'stay hidden' during campaign: 'Not a great messenger'

CNN pundits and former Obama administration officials criticize Biden's campaign performance and messaging.
Some believe Biden's handling of the pandemic was reassuring and a key factor in his election as president. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Fox & Friends Promotes MSNBC Pundit's Criticism of Biden Campaign: They Don't Like Their Candidate!'

Fox & Friends amplifies criticism of Biden from former Biden official Symone Sanders-Townsend.
Sanders-Townsend criticizes Biden administration for focusing too much on messaging and not enough on communicating effectively with the public. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
NYC politics

Democrats' migrant-crisis 'solution': Blame the messengers!

City Councilman criticizes Mayor and The Post for messaging on migrant crisis
Democrats are making themselves look bad on the issue [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Android Users Are Stuck With Green Text Bubbles For Now | Entrepreneur

Apple has blocked an app that allows Android users to send blue-bubble texts to iPhones due to security and privacy concerns.
The app, Beeper Mini, reverse engineered the iMessage protocol to provide Android users with iMessage features.
Apple's decision to block Beeper shows their commitment to protecting their messaging service, despite pressure to make texting between Android and iPhones easier. [ more ]
Social Media Today
5 months ago
Digital life

WhatsApp Launches 'View Once' for Audio Messages

WhatsApp introduces View Once feature for voice messages for added privacy.
Voice messages sent using View Once will disappear once listened to. [ more ]
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

Washington Post: Dems Panicking About Biden's 2024 Chances

Top Democrats are expressing concern about President Biden's prospects for the 2024 election.
Biden's allies are having to defend him in private and address the unease within the party.
Some Democrats are worried about Biden's messaging and lack of polling on the economy. [ more ]
6 months ago
Digital life

Nothing Chats Wants to Fix iPhone and Android Messaging. It Might Be Too Late

Messaging app Beeper turns messages blue even for Android users.
Nothing Chats allows Android users to message iPhone contacts without the green bubble.
Apple announced that iPhones will officially support the RCS standard next year. [ more ]
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