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Bon Appetit
3 days ago
NYC food

30 Days (of Soup) at a Postpartum Hotel

Postpartum recovery practices in Taiwan emphasize nutritious meals delivered by professionals to aid recovery. [ more ]
4 days ago
Women in technology

The Guardian view on tackling FGM: as progress slows, efforts must be redoubled | Editorial

FGM remains a critical issue globally, affecting 12,000 girls daily with serious health risks and violations of rights. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Digital life

When a Nation Banned Female Genital Cutting, a Defiant 96-Year-Old Resisted

In 2013, Gambian women publicly renounced female genital cutting, marking a significant cultural shift. [ more ]
4 days ago
Women in technology

The Guardian view on tackling FGM: as progress slows, efforts must be redoubled | Editorial

FGM remains a critical issue globally, affecting 12,000 girls daily with serious health risks and violations of rights. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Digital life

When a Nation Banned Female Genital Cutting, a Defiant 96-Year-Old Resisted

In 2013, Gambian women publicly renounced female genital cutting, marking a significant cultural shift. [ more ]
1 week ago
OMG science

Indians celebrate elephant-headed Hindu god Ganesha, remover of obstacles

Devotees celebrate Ganesha's birth during Ganesh Chaturthi, culminating in immersing idols in water while whispering their wishes to the deity. [ more ]
Apartment Therapy
2 weeks ago

I Used the Japanese Concept of "Mottainai" to Lower My Grocery Bill - And Saved $127 in a Week

Embracing the Japanese concept of mottainai encourages mindful consumption and respect for resources, impacting everyday life positively. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Medieval Pilgrimages: It's All About the Journey - Medievalists.net

Christianity was fundamentally integrated into the daily lives of medieval Europeans, influencing their practices, values, and spiritual journeys. [ more ]
Psychology Today
3 weeks ago

A Brief History of Submission

Historical practices of submission have deep roots across cultures and time, often reflecting complex emotional states. [ more ]
Tasting Table
3 weeks ago
NYC food

The Victorian Era Fork That Used To Rule Ice Cream Eating - Tasting Table

Victorians demonstrated wealth through etiquette, notably with specialized utensils like the ice cream fork, which reflected their obsession with dining sophistication. [ more ]
1 month ago
NYC food

Is It Okay to Lick My Fingers at a Crab Boil?

Licking your fingers at a crab boil is generally acceptable, as dining etiquette varies with context and the messiness of the meal. [ more ]
Tasting Table
3 weeks ago
NYC food

The Victorian Era Fork That Used To Rule Ice Cream Eating - Tasting Table

Victorians demonstrated wealth through etiquette, notably with specialized utensils like the ice cream fork, which reflected their obsession with dining sophistication. [ more ]
1 month ago
NYC food

Is It Okay to Lick My Fingers at a Crab Boil?

Licking your fingers at a crab boil is generally acceptable, as dining etiquette varies with context and the messiness of the meal. [ more ]
1 month ago

New interpretation of runes reveals Viking Age pricing

The Forsa Ring's inscription suggests a flexible Viking monetary system with a new interpretation revealing nuances in payment of fines. [ more ]
All Singles And Married
1 month ago

Understanding The Conflict Of Interests Between Daughters-in-law And Mothers-in-law And How To Handle Them.

The primary conflict in African marriages often arises from mothers-in-law prioritizing their interests over their sons' marriages, leading to interpersonal tensions. [ more ]
Mail Online
3 months ago
OMG science

Europe's last pagans imported horses to sacrifice 700 years ago

Pagans imported horses for barbaric ritual slaughter up until the 13th century. [ more ]
3 months ago
Everyday cooking

Recipe for Philippines chicken adobo with rice adobong manok by Sri Owen

The best rice in rice-growing countries is plain steamed, not overcooked in foreign recipes. [ more ]
4 months ago
Data science

Challenges and Solutions for Building Machine Learning Systems

Challenges in building ML systems are primarily in model creation and maintenance. MLOps involves cultural practices to bridge data science and ML engineering. [ more ]
Apartment Therapy
3 months ago

"Kaffepause" Is the Relaxing Norwegian Habit You Need to Try Tomorrow

Experience the Norwegian kaffepause to shift from rushed coffee consumption to a ritual focused on connection and coziness. [ more ]
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