Jamie Dimon Is Right: Remote Work Is A Waste Of Time And Talent

The article emphasizes the importance of in-person work to maintain a strong corporate culture, as highlighted by Jamie Dimon’s stance against remote work. It references Coca-Cola's former President Donald Keough, who believed every employee should contribute to selling the product, reinforcing the idea that understanding the business is integral to success. Dimon argues that remote work undermines collaboration and focus, ultimately hindering innovation and growth. The article advocates for employees to be present at their company's headquarters to foster teamwork and engagement.
Keough’s wise actions came to mind last week when J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon made it clear that employees were "wasting their time" with the circulation of a petition aimed at maintaining a more flexible work-from-home schedule.
Dimon is right. Great companies have headquarters that employees show up to each day. What's important is that there's quite simply no way to maintain a corporate culture that makes a company great when employees are scattered.
If everyone's somewhere else, and only expected to show up presentably on Zoom... they and shareholders will be denied the growth that can only come from smart, energetic people improving one another by working with one another.
Read at Forbes