At the beginning of the new year, many individuals may feel less enthusiasm for work as winter drags on, potentially signaling burnout. A concerning study indicates that 82% of workers may experience burnout symptoms. Red flags include feelings of cynicism, misalignment between personal values and workplace demands, and feeling overwhelmed by work. It is important to assess one's responsibilities and communicate effectively with supervisors about workload management. Furthermore, coworkers exhibiting emergency-like behavior can also signify their own burnout, highlighting the need for supportive workplace strategies.
If you think you, your coworkers, or even your boss might be part of that group, here are the red flags to look out for- and what you can do about it.
One is if you regularly feel cynical or negative about your job. Other signs of burnout are more about what experts call "workplace misalignments..."
If you feel overloaded at work, the most important and obvious (but sometimes the hardest) thing to do is to say no to more work.
If the people around you treat everything like it's an emergency (and you don't work in an actual emergency room), it could be a sign that they are burned out.