Google Announces New Shorts-Focused Video Ad Options

The option could provide another way for brands to tap into Shorts without creating their own video content, by simply pulling in images from your Google Merchant Center feeds. This means brands can engage with audiences on the platform without the significant resource investment of producing original videos, thus streamlining their advertising strategies and potentially increasing their visibility and reach within the Shorts ecosystem.
Already available for Video Reach Campaigns, format buying controls are now available around the world on Video View Campaigns. These controls allow brands to run their campaigns exclusively in the Shorts feed or to limit campaigns to showcase only horizontal creative, offering more precise targeting and optimization in how they connect with their audiences on the platform.
Using creator videos in your ad campaigns can improve performance. Internal data shows partnership ads on creator channels drove up to 20% higher conversions on the Shorts feed compared to ads with only advertiser branding. This highlights the power of collaboration with creators to enhance ad effectiveness and engagement through authentic content.
We’re also introducing a new video linking API to manage multiple requests simultaneously, and enabling creators to tag partners in their brand videos. This is aimed at fostering stronger connections between brands and creators, streamlining the process of collaboration and maximizing the potential impact of advertising on the Shorts platform.
Read at Social Media Today