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2 weeks ago

Intermittent fasting shows promise in improving gut health, weight management

Intermittent fasting with protein-pacing shows improved gut health, weight loss, and metabolic responses compared to simple calorie restriction. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Scientists Calculated the Energy Needed to Carry a Baby. Shocker: It's a Lot.

Human pregnancy requires almost 50,000 dietary calories, with 96% used by the mother's body, not the fetus. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Breakthrough in brown fat research: Researchers have found brown fat's 'off-switch'

Brown fat burns calories to produce heat, potentially aiding weight loss and health.
Research identifies an 'off switch' protein in brown fat limiting its activation against obesity. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Scientists Calculated the Energy Needed to Carry a Baby. Shocker: It's a Lot.

Human pregnancy requires almost 50,000 dietary calories, with 96% used by the mother's body, not the fetus. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Breakthrough in brown fat research: Researchers have found brown fat's 'off-switch'

Brown fat burns calories to produce heat, potentially aiding weight loss and health.
Research identifies an 'off switch' protein in brown fat limiting its activation against obesity. [ more ]
Natural Health News
1 month ago

Nearly 10,000 chemicals leaching from plastic containers into food, alarming study reveals

Plastic food packaging leaches harmful chemicals into food. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Hooked on sugar? 3 surprising ways to break the habit for good

Avoiding sugar entirely is impractical and ineffective for reducing cravings. Lack of sleep can lead to sugar cravings due to hormones like cortisol and insulin. [ more ]
Natural Health News
1 month ago

Nearly 10,000 chemicals leaching from plastic containers into food, alarming study reveals

Plastic food packaging leaches harmful chemicals into food. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Hooked on sugar? 3 surprising ways to break the habit for good

Avoiding sugar entirely is impractical and ineffective for reducing cravings. Lack of sleep can lead to sugar cravings due to hormones like cortisol and insulin. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

Metabolic rewiring promotes anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids - Nature

Glucocorticoids reprogram macrophage mitochondrial metabolism to increase itaconate production, inhibiting inflammation.
Interaction of glucocorticoid receptor with pyruvate dehydrogenase complex accelerates TCA cycle, promoting anti-inflammatory effects. [ more ]
2 months ago

Are "Exercise" Pills The Future of Health and Fitness? These Studies Show Tantalizing Promise

Exercise has numerous health benefits like stronger bones and lower risk of heart disease.
Scientists are developing exercise mimetics to mimic the effects of exercise without physically working out. [ more ]
Alternative Medicine Magazine
1 week ago
Alternative medicine

10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon That Might Surprise You

The health benefits of cinnamon extend beyond culinary use, including digestive support, metabolism boosting, oral hygiene improvement, and blood sugar control. [ more ]
2 months ago

Are "Exercise" Pills The Future of Health and Fitness? These Studies Show Tantalizing Promise

Exercise has numerous health benefits like stronger bones and lower risk of heart disease.
Scientists are developing exercise mimetics to mimic the effects of exercise without physically working out. [ more ]
Alternative Medicine Magazine
1 week ago
Alternative medicine

10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon That Might Surprise You

The health benefits of cinnamon extend beyond culinary use, including digestive support, metabolism boosting, oral hygiene improvement, and blood sugar control. [ more ]
2 months ago

Kallistatin contributes to the beneficial metabolic effects of weight loss

Increased Kallistatin expression in subcutaneous white adipose tissue after weight loss
Kallistatin improves hepatic insulin sensitivity in diet-induced obese mice [ more ]
4 months ago

A Gastroenterologist Reveals How To Tap Into Your Body's Natural Processes That Inspired Ozempic

Food processing removes key components that regulate metabolism, contributing to obesity and diabetes.
Combination therapy with GLP-1 and GIP shows promise in promoting weight loss. [ more ]
2 months ago

Kallistatin contributes to the beneficial metabolic effects of weight loss

Increased Kallistatin expression in subcutaneous white adipose tissue after weight loss
Kallistatin improves hepatic insulin sensitivity in diet-induced obese mice [ more ]
4 months ago

A Gastroenterologist Reveals How To Tap Into Your Body's Natural Processes That Inspired Ozempic

Food processing removes key components that regulate metabolism, contributing to obesity and diabetes.
Combination therapy with GLP-1 and GIP shows promise in promoting weight loss. [ more ]
5 days ago

14 Metabolism-Boosting Tricks for Effortless Weight Loss

Fuel up with protein to boost metabolism and aid weight loss. [ more ]
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