Food Additives Exposed: What Lies Beneath America's Food Supply
A common food additive, tartrazine, can make skin translucent, allowing observation of underlying tissues, potentially revolutionizing imaging technologies in medicine.
If You've Ever Thought Store-Bought Guacamole Tastes Off, Here's Why - Tasting Table
Homemade guacamole is superior in taste and texture compared to store-bought due to natural citric acid.
Store-bought guacamole uses manufactured citric acid as a preservative, potentially causing allergic reactions.
California could ban additives found in Flamin' Hot Cheetos, Twinkies from school meals
California bans harmful food additives in school lunches to protect children's health and prevent behavioral issues.
Legislation aims to influence food marketing practices and manufacturing processes industry-wide.
Many Substances Used For Food Processing Are Never Listed On Ingredient Labels
Processing aids are additives not listed on food labels, serving vital roles in food production, undergoing transformation or removal to be undetectable in the final product.