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The Atlantic
1 month ago

How the Biggest Climate Legislation Ever Could Still Fail

Clean-energy investment in the U.S. is significant but not fully meeting electricity demand, risking climate goals. [ more ]
1 month ago

Texas is warned of blackout risk as sun sets this summer

Power failures risk is elevated in North America, especially in Texas, due to high demand, generator shutdowns, and dwindling reserves at sunset. [ more ]
1 month ago
Business intelligence

Demand for electricity in Northwest, including Oregon, projected to grow 30% in decade, triple previous estimates

Electricity demand in the Northwest is projected to grow over 30% in the next decade. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

States rethink data centers as electricity hogs' strain the grid

State Senator reevaluates tax breaks for data centers impacting clean energy supply, considering implications for climate goals and electricity demand. [ more ]
3 months ago
Tech industry

A.I. Frenzy Complicates Efforts to Keep Power-Hungry Data Sites Green

West Texas becomes a new hub for data centers tapping into clean power sources.
Growth in data centers demands massive amounts of electricity, posing sustainability challenges. [ more ]
1 month ago
Business intelligence

Demand for electricity in Northwest, including Oregon, projected to grow 30% in decade, triple previous estimates

Electricity demand in the Northwest is projected to grow over 30% in the next decade. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

States rethink data centers as electricity hogs' strain the grid

State Senator reevaluates tax breaks for data centers impacting clean energy supply, considering implications for climate goals and electricity demand. [ more ]
3 months ago
Tech industry

A.I. Frenzy Complicates Efforts to Keep Power-Hungry Data Sites Green

West Texas becomes a new hub for data centers tapping into clean power sources.
Growth in data centers demands massive amounts of electricity, posing sustainability challenges. [ more ]
Business Insider
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI execs who urgently need more energy to power their tech revolution are turning to fossil fuels

AI is driving a massive demand for electricity.
The energy demands of AI may exceed clean energy capacities, leading to increased reliance on fossil fuels. [ more ]
4 months ago

Cryptocurrency mining energy use probed by US government

The US government has approved an emergency investigation into the power consumption of cryptocurrency mining operations.
The study will analyze electricity grid utilization data from mining operations for a period of six months. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
6 months ago

Energy officials warn of winter blackout risk in Texas and beyond - Austin Monitor

Reasons for high winter risk vary across the country
Power grid changes and increasing electricity demand contribute to power failures in winter storms [ more ]
4 months ago

Cryptocurrency mining energy use probed by US government

The US government has approved an emergency investigation into the power consumption of cryptocurrency mining operations.
The study will analyze electricity grid utilization data from mining operations for a period of six months. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
6 months ago

Energy officials warn of winter blackout risk in Texas and beyond - Austin Monitor

Reasons for high winter risk vary across the country
Power grid changes and increasing electricity demand contribute to power failures in winter storms [ more ]
Austin Monitor
5 months ago

Worried about the Texas power grid? Here's what to expect from the incoming arctic blast. - Austin Monitor

Texas is experiencing historically warm temperatures but is expecting a sudden drop in temperature with a cold front arriving.
Concerns arise about the readiness of the Texas power grid to handle the freeze, but the Electric Reliability Council of Texas assures normal grid conditions. [ more ]
6 months ago
Business intelligence

AI Is Ravenous for Energy. Can It Be Satisfied?

AI's demand for electricity is increasing and could soon require as much power as all electric vehicles combined.
This demand comes at a time when the world is trying to transition to clean and sustainable energy sources. [ more ]
3 days ago
US news

Thousands of Michigan Residents Weather Days Without Power During Heat Wave

Power outages caused by storms compounded heat wave challenges for Michigan residents. [ more ]
5 days ago
Canada news

Ontario may need to import electricity during extreme weather: report | CBC News

Ontario's electricity system expected to meet growing demand, may need to import power during extreme heat [ more ]
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