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1 week ago

Second dairy worker tests positive for HPAI in the U.S.

Avian influenza virus detected in American dairy worker and cows. No human severe cases reported yet. [ more ]
1 month ago

U.S. orders cow testing for bird flu after grocery milk tests positive

USDA is mandating dairy cows be tested for HPAI H5N1 before interstate movement due to concerns of virus spread. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
US news

Biden Administration to Pay Dairy Farmers for Bird Flu Protective Measures

The Biden administration is compensating dairy farmers to limit the spread of bird flu, including payments for protecting workers, treating sick cows, and lost production. [ more ]
The Atlantic
4 weeks ago

Milk Can't Catch a Break

Bird flu fragments found in 20% of milk samples, raising concerns but reassured by pasteurization process.
Milk consumption declining over the years, with concerns over bird flu potentially pushing it further down. [ more ]
1 month ago

Infectious Disease Experts Warn Bird Flu Outbreak Bigger Than Previously Thought

The dairy industry faces a major threat from the bird flu virus H5N1, with traces found in pasteurized milk samples. [ more ]
1 month ago

Bird Flu Virus Is in One in Five U.S. Milk Samples

Bird flu fragments detected in 1/5 of U.S. milk samples, FDA to conduct more tests for infectious virus. [ more ]
Fast Company
2 weeks ago

A $207 million cash cow: How the dairy lobby took over your Instagram feed

Butter experienced a resurgence in American cuisine due to a public relations campaign by the U.S. dairy lobby. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

How Big Dairy Took Over Your TikTok Feed-With Help from Uncle Sam

Butter has experienced a renaissance in American cuisine, highlighted by viral trends and high-end restaurant innovations. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

How Bird Flu Caught the Dairy Industry Off Guard

Experts highlight key reasons for delay in identifying bird flu outbreak in dairy cows, stressing importance of understanding factors for disease control and prevention. [ more ]
Fast Company
2 weeks ago

A $207 million cash cow: How the dairy industry took over your Instagram feed

The butter trend soared due to industry influence. [ more ]
Irish Independent
1 month ago

Milk prices unlikely to rise this year - Tirlan

The dairy industry projects stability in milk prices due to supply constraints in 2023. [ more ]
1 month ago

Helen Getchell

The article discusses the challenges faced by the dairy industry and the importance of adaptability in overcoming them. [ more ]
1 month ago

Fragments of Bird Flu Virus Discovered in Milk

Viral remnants of bird flu found in milk are inactive and pose little risk to consumers. [ more ]
3 months ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg in bizarre skimmed milk rant: Full fat will nourish your inner Tory'

Full-fat milk is favored by Jacob Rees-Mogg over skimmed milk and plant-based alternatives like almond and oat milk.
There is a discussion on the rise in popularity of traditional whole milk over low-fat and plant-based milk options. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago

Protein-based products outperformed conventional milk sales in major supermarkets

Sales of protein and Skyr products have surpassed sales of conventional milk for the first time in major supermarkets.
Protein sales have grown by 67% in the past year, making up 25% of total sales.
Protein pouch sales have increased by 800% since last year, indicating a demand for on-the-go, high-protein products. [ more ]
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