Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj: The difference between meditating on "I am not the body" and asking oneself "What am I?"

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj teaches that meditating on "I am not the body" serves as a form of negation to reinforce the understanding of self beyond physical existence. This practice aids in dis-identifying from transient sensations and thoughts that define the body, guiding one towards recognizing the deeper essence of being.
Conversely, asking "What am I?" represents a profound self-inquiry aimed at uncovering one's true nature. This method refocuses awareness on the essence of existence itself, inviting deeper introspection and realization of pure consciousness, separate from the physical form.
Nisargadatta emphasized the importance of starting with the pure sense of "I am," uncolored by attributes or identifications. He advised practitioners to dwell in this state, from which one can either negate false identifications or explore the source of one's awareness.
Together, these practices provide a holistic approach to understanding self-identity, prompting an internal search that balances negation of falsities against the affirmation of a more profound existential truth.
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