Weekend warrior' workouts may be as effective as daily exercise, study shows

A study involving nearly 90,000 individuals demonstrates that weekend warriors who cram weekly exercise into one or two days significantly reduce their risk of various diseases compared to inactive individuals. This contrasts with traditional views that regular daily exercise is essential for health. Over follow-up years, researchers observed reduced risks from hypertension to mood disorders in those who achieved 150 minutes of physical activity on the weekends, suggesting overall activity volume may hold more significance than frequency.
Dr. Shaan Khurshid, a leading cardiologist in the study, emphasized the empowerment of these findings, noting that health benefits stem from the total volume of physical activity rather than its distribution throughout the week. Individuals can prioritize exercise in a way that best fits their lifestyle, advocating that even one or two weekly sessions can significantly lower the risks of heart disease and stroke. It essentially underscores the message that getting active truly matters, irrespective of the timing.
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