The article emphasizes the importance of tackling difficult learning challenges at least once a decade to foster personal growth. Engaging with these challenges reinforces confidence in one’s adaptability, reveals insights about oneself, and helps to build connections with diverse communities of learners. Additionally, the article highlights the value of acquiring new analogies through learning, enabling a more creative problem-solving approach. Ultimately, revisiting the experience of being a beginner cultivates greater empathy, which is crucial for personal and professional development.
Learning hard things reinforces your confidence that you can always adapt. It's powerful to know you have that capacity.
Through learning, you learn about yourself. You can track your growth over the decades by how your approach to learning changes.
Learning a hard skill connects you with a community of people teaching and learning that skill. This helps you create a more diverse network.
Learning something new gives you new analogies to draw on, which helps you approach any challenge from different angles.