17 Reasons to Learn Hard New SkillsTackling challenging learning experiences at least once per decade enhances personal growth and adaptability.
Are MOOCs Worth It? Pros, Cons, And Tips To Maximize Learning OutcomesMOOCs offer accessible and affordable education globally, but face challenges like low completion rates and lack of personal interaction.
I Quit Teaching Because of ChatGPTLarge language models are negatively impacting students' willingness to engage with the writing process.The reliance on AI tools in academic settings raises concerns about critical thinking and originality.
Large language models (LLMs) are often poor philosophers. But these shortcomings make them more useful for teaching, not less.Current LLMs present both challenges and opportunities for philosophy education, with potential for critique-based assignments to enhance learning.
I Quit Teaching Because of ChatGPTLarge language models are negatively impacting students' willingness to engage with the writing process.The reliance on AI tools in academic settings raises concerns about critical thinking and originality.
Large language models (LLMs) are often poor philosophers. But these shortcomings make them more useful for teaching, not less.Current LLMs present both challenges and opportunities for philosophy education, with potential for critique-based assignments to enhance learning.
Why Scala Is the Worst Programming Language You Can LearnLearning Scala may be overwhelming for beginners due to its complexity and verbose syntax, making it less ideal compared to simpler languages.