Before dying of pancreatic cancer in October 2011, the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs told his counterpart at Disney, Bob Iger, to start planning his retirement. Jobs told Iger not to stay too long at Disney so that he would still have time to enjoy the good things in life, The New York Times reported in a wide-ranging story on Disney's troubled leadership succession.
In his 2019 memoir "The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company," Iger said that he became good friends with Jobs after the latter sold his animation studio Pixar to Disney. Besides joining the company's board of directors in 2006, Jobs was also at one point, the largest individual shareholder in Disney.
Iger recounted how Jobs played a critical role in Disney's acquisition of Marvel in 2009. 'I asked him if he'd be willing to reach out to Ike Perlmutter, Marvel's CEO and controlling shareholder, and vouch for me,' Iger said, highlighting Jobs' influence and support.