Social media continues to shift, prompting brand professionals and content creators to adapt. The CEO-CMO relationship shows progress; CEOs trust CMOs more than before. However, this trust does not translate into credibility for the marketing function, as a report indicates that while CMOs align well with CEOs, doubts linger regarding their capacity to produce measurable business outcomes. Notably, 76% of CEOs feel that CMOs prioritize the company's mission and leadership over their roles, signaling a complex dynamic in executive expectations and marketing responsibilities.
Social media is evolving. Are you adapting? Connect with a community of brand pros and content creators at Social Media Week, May 12-14 in NYC, to learn how to keep pace with new trends and technology. Register now to save 20% on your pass.
The good news: Chief executive officers trust their chief marketing officers more than they did in the past.
CMOs are earning accolades for their growing alignment with the CEO, but CEOs remain skeptical of their ability to drive tangible business results.
When it comes to top marketers' main priority, 76% of chief executives now believe their CMO is more committed to company's overall mission and its leadership team than themselves.