Remote Workers Outearn In-Person Workers in These WFH Hotspots

Nationwide, the median earnings for remote workers is $70,280, 1.4 times the $48,755 median for all workers. In some cities, the delta is far greater, with remote workers outearning the in-person workforce by a factor of two or higher.
Cities with the highest premiums on remote work tend to have high educational attainment and large professional services sectors. Remote jobs often command higher pay due to the nature of work in lucrative industries like tech.
Remote employers usually experience lower overhead costs compared to traditional office-based companies, allowing them to pass savings onto employees. This creates a disparity in pay that varies from city to city based on local economic conditions.
The earnings gap between remote and in-person workers reflects a complex array of factors, including cost of living and the migration of high-earning individuals to less expensive areas. This trend enhances local disparities in pay.
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