How To Spot Work-Life Perks That Make You Work More Hours

In the battle for talent, organizations introduce new work-life perks each year: laundry services, shopping assistants, mindfulness workshops, and onsite climbing walls. Big tech companies such as Meta and Google are now offering nap pods for employees.
Work-life policies were originally designed to assist employees with juggling work and non-work roles. A good example is flexible work times. They allow a working parent to drop their kids off at school.
Policies that support employees in combining their life roles are called enabling work-life policies. They make life easier and give employees control, versus enclosing work-life policies that encourage longer hours.
While noble at first sight, a closer look reveals that people using these services work more hours than they would have without them. Policies that encourage employees to work longer hours are called enclosing work-life policies.
Read at Forbes