Miss Manners: Was I rude not to scoot over when they asked me to?

The article discusses two scenarios involving etiquette at social gatherings. In the first, a concert setting highlights the gray area of pew seating etiquette when a person prefers to remain on the aisle while others wish to share the pew. The second scenario addresses the challenge of complimenting a co-worker whose unconventional style doesn't align with office dress codes. Miss Manners emphasizes understanding the context behind people's actions and maintaining politeness in social interactions, reminding readers that good etiquette sometimes requires empathy and compromise.
Perhaps they are regular parishioners who sit in these seats every Sunday and had, mistakenly, come to think of them as theirs.
Your staying put would still not have been impolite. But perhaps their surprise at your refusal to relocate would not have rankled as much had you known their reasons for asking.
She values these types of compliments, and I try to reciprocate. The issue is that this person dresses wildly far outside the company dress code.
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