Harriette Cole: He thought I was taking him home. He got a big surprise.

The article discusses two letters to a columnist offering advice on dealing with difficult personal relationships. One letter recounts an experience of setting boundaries with an ex-husband seeking comfort after leaving, with the author highlighting the resolution to not allow past hurts to dictate future actions. The second letter expresses grief over the sudden passing of a mother and feelings of failure for not achieving expected life milestones. The response emphasizes self-compassion and the importance of taking time to mourn.
You were kind and clear. You did not allow him to cross your boundary, and you gave him a short-term option. Good for you.
A mother-child relationship at any age can be one of the dearest that a person has. A sudden loss can deeply unnerve you.
First, give yourself grace. It takes time to mourn and to heal after such a devastating loss.
You should have seen the look on his face when we pulled up to the Salvation Army. I told him that his home with me no longer existed.
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