Why You Should Be Thrilled To See Paper Towels At A BBQ Restaurant - Tasting Table

As you choose your barbecued meats and accompanying side dishes, which are key to the BBQ experience, the last thing you want to worry about is whether you'll splash your favorite type of barbecue sauce on yourself or make an embarrassing, sticky mess.
There's a virtually unlimited supply of paper towels right at your fingertips, so you can wipe your fingers or tidy the table right away.
The absence of proper napkin etiquette adds to a barbecue joint's laid-back atmosphere. You're in a place where no one cares which fork you use or whether or not you like Earl Grey tea.
Tearing off a hunk of paper towels is a casual gesture, something you would do in your kitchen at home, and that's exactly the point.
Read at Tasting Table