To grow as a leader, try embracing these three personas

The article discusses the disconnect between leadership knowledge and action, emphasizing that real transformation is challenging and often requires leaders to step outside their comfort zones. It introduces three personas—Kid, Scientist, and Gardener—that help leaders balance their development journey. The Kid persona encourages curiosity and play, promoting bold actions, while cautioning leaders against analysis paralysis. The article provides an example of a leader who successfully dismantled bureaucratic barriers by embracing this freedom to innovate, leading to positive outcomes for her team, underlining the need for adaptive and courageous leadership.
Leaders often limit their learning by the perceived parameters they operate in. But by embracing the Kid persona, leaders can tap into a playful curiosity and willingness to act without having every answer tied up in a bow.
Sometimes, leaders need to be bold enough to dismantle what isn't working so they can rebuild more effectively.
The Kid, the Scientist, and the Gardener act as a framework to maintain momentum in one's personal leadership development journey.
Leadership transformation is hard. It takes courage to step outside the status quo.
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