"Many mothers struggle in silence, afraid of judgment. Judgment about parenting creates shame, and shame is disempowering. Most parents are doing the best they can with what they have, but our structures aren't always supportive."
"To her credit, the mother of the toddler throwing a fit in the security line kept her cool despite the sweat on her brow and her reddened face. I knew how she felt, as a mom who has raised a challenging child and was constantly peppered with comments from well-intentioned friends and family who thought they somehow were in possession of the secret sauce of perfect parenthood."
"Parenting is complicated in all its forms. Raising children is hard, and every child and family situation is extremely nuanced and unique. There is no perfection, and judgment certainly isn't helpful."
"At its core, shame is a signal, often tied to our need for connection. It arises when we feel we've fallen short of our own or others' expectations, and it thrives in secrecy. But shame doesn't just tell us where we feel inadequate-it also hints at what we care most about."