While we're waiting, we should probably do a recap, Mabel says, not realizing that that's my job. After finding out that the Westies were depositing the late Dudenoff's checks, their current hypothesis is as follows: Dudenoff had these rent-controlled units, moved the Westies in, they killed him (despite needing him alive to keep their apartments), then killed Sazz when she caught on. See the problem? They don't have a motive; in fact, they only have a reason why they wouldn't commit the murder. An anti-motive, if you will.
Their actor counterparts aren't ready to hand over the reins of this investigation just yet, so they all decide to meet up and figure out what their next move will be - but they can't deliberate at the Arconia ... on account of the murders. So they go to the next best thing: the replica of the Arconia where they're shooting the movie.
Eugene's proposal is to invite them to Tony Danza's 35th Annual It's Time To Wear White Pants Extravadanza, which is the planza I'm rooting for because that's an event I want to see on my screen. However, Eva thinks they should surprise them with a ding dong. But instead, they land on the simpler plan - inviting the Westies over for a star-studded game of Oh Hell.
As this plan comes together, and Charles gets closer and closer to having to potentially confront Sazz's killer, we see his emotions begin to bubble up. Normally he's able to suppress his feelings, but the impending confrontation is causing him to feel more vulnerable.