As the moon moves through driven Capricorn and coordinates with disciplined Saturn, there's a strong encouragement to focus on building your legacy. This is the perfect time to cultivate new habits, such as committing to a routine and managing your time effectively, both of which can significantly boost your chances of success in the coming year.
With Mercury projecting its philosophical energy towards Chiron, you may find that reflecting on the bigger picture of your life brings clarity to your fears and insecurities. By understanding your inner wounds, you could realize that things might not be as bad as you initially thought, allowing for a more positive mindset going into the New Year.
Reactivity comes to the forefront tonight as Mars opposes Pluto, igniting a fierce battle that could affect your relationships in the coming weeks. The instinct to defend your individuality might lead to overreactions, potentially causing disagreements to escalate quickly. It's crucial to think twice before acting impulsively to avoid unnecessary conflicts.