De Beers and Signet Campaign for Natural Diamonds

"The core idea was to take our Signet consumer insights and begin to build messaging to customers about what is so real, rare and precious about natural diamonds," Jamie Singleton, Signet Jewelers group president and chief consumer officer, told WWD.
"Gen Z and Millennials are quite different from the previous generation which was very much focused on everlasting love. But what matters to Gen Z and Millennials is building their own identity and then being ready to find 'the one.'" said Sandrine Conseiller, chief executive officer of De Beers Brands.
Singleton said Signet research shows that next year, more than 50 percent of couples who get engaged in the U.S. will be multicultural, and over the next five years, it climbs to about 60 percent.
"The campaign suggests a parallel between two journeys - the formation of natural diamonds over billions of years deep in the Earth and ultimately transformed into polished gems, and young people transforming their own lives as they strive to reach personal goals and form relationships."
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