Counter Profound Disappointment With Serenity and a Plan

The Journal of Psychosocial Studies in 2021 reported: "To be disappointed is to be human, to be disappointing is also to be human.... The central premise [of this research] is that to engage with 'disappointment' in our internal relatedness, and in our interpersonal and social relationships may enable us to re-connect with our own and others' humanity-and not to do so is to remain stuck, aggrieved, resentful and locked into cycles of reciprocal self- and other-destructive violence and recrimination."
It is important to ignore negativity and seek momentary relief before following a long-term action plan.
Face the facts by acknowledging that people who have been predicting the 'worst of times' may be right. Stay away from television news, even your favorite cable networks, for at least a week.
Binge-watch an old television series that was ridiculous and laughable and fun. Before bed each night, read a good book or make notes in a gratitude journal.
Read at Psychology Today