Asking Eric: My sister lied about why I wasn't invited to the wedding

The letter details a person's heartbreak over being excluded from their niece's wedding, particularly after attending the weddings of other siblings' children. Despite the stated rationale of 'immediate family only,' the inclusion of other relatives and friends undermines the excuse given. The writer grapples with feelings of betrayal and questions the integrity of their relationship with their sister. They express a need for emotional distance from their sister's family, recognizing that they do not owe an explanation for their decision. The response emphasizes the importance of processing feelings and acknowledging one's worth.
Your sister may have thought she was doing the kind thing by keeping most of this information from you, but as we're seeing, intention and impact are not the same.
You're worthy of being thought of, and, if not invited, at least told the truth directly.
You don't need to explain why you're taking a break. Take the space you need to process this, to grieve it, and to talk to people you love and trust about what's going on.
The level of disrespect and dishonesty has left me feeling there would be no way to ever trust or feel emotionally safe around my sister.
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