Measurement: How to Navigate the Revolving Door

Chris Andrews, head of advertising technology at Wake the Bear, discusses the clichéd phrases that permeate the advertising industry, particularly around measurement and effectiveness. He critiques the oversimplified narratives that separate brand versus performance marketing, notably quotes attributed to John Wanamaker that imply a significant portion of advertising spending is wasted. Instead, he calls for a nuanced understanding of marketing that recognizes the genuine innovation attempting to bridge the gaps between analytical and creative approaches. Andrews indicates that ongoing regulatory and technological changes often complicate this landscape, yet innovation is necessary to redefine effectiveness in advertising.
Chris Andrews, head of advertising technology at Wake the Bear, criticizes industry clichés around marketing measurement, especially the dichotomy between brand versus performance marketing.
He argues that popular phrases like 'data is the new oil' and advertising waste quotes oversimplify complex debates in the advertising technology space.
Andrews emphasizes the need for innovative approaches that balance the art and science of marketing, despite regulatory and technological challenges.
He highlights the ongoing struggle within the industry to accurately measure effectiveness amid evolving tools and regulations.
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