Crystal Light goes boozy, Volvo's new AI ad raises eyebrows, and Pretty Little Thing tries to glow up

Volvo's first entirely AI-generated advertisement aired in Saudi Arabia, but it notably omitted showing any of its vehicles. Developed by agency Lion using AI tools like Midjourney and ChatGPT, the minute-long video comprises disjointed clips of people and scenes, lacking a coherent narrative. This raises concerns about the effectiveness of using AI in marketing, as the visuals, particularly of human subjects, failed to deliver realistic portrayals, resulting in an unsettling 'uncanny valley' effect. Experts suggest that while AI will transform advertising, its current execution by Volvo highlights significant shortcomings in content generation.
The new ad features no Volvo cars and instead comprises disjointed visuals that highlight the limitations of AI in generating coherent advertising.
The ad's visuals rely heavily on human expressions, showcasing AI's current inability to depict realistic human appearances, leading to an uncanny valley effect.
Read at Fast Company