Unlocking Value With AI in Retail Media With super{set}

"I believe retailers are gonna be continuing to look at how the data, not just do they have the consent, but ways that they're looking to have additional levels of high fidelity permission, making sure that they're using that data in the right place at the right time and the ability then to flow that through all the touch points and the ecosystem."
"The dominance of walled gardens, including the rise of Amazon, played a significant role in the development of retail media. Retailers, as the owners of valuable data, realized the potential for additional revenue and margin expansion through media businesses."
"When fostering an innovative culture within an organization, simplicity and alignment are vital. Having a beginner's mind, approaching problems with openness and a willingness to learn is essential for innovation."
"The maturity of the ecosystem led to the rapid growth of retail media, as retailers began to leverage their loyalty and transaction data for increased revenue opportunities."
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