If I were to name one thing that I've learned throughout the years as a content marketer, it's that strategy always comes first. Otherwise, you face the risk of chaos... considering AI and Google's bold modifications of their search engine, you can't operate without a solid plan in today's landscape.
The key element of every B2B SEO strategy is selecting keywords that will attract the right target audience, and choosing the appropriate content format for them, be it a landing page, blog, case study, etc. Ultimately, it comes down to knowing your target audience, including their needs and behaviors, and creating content that addresses those needs - all the while optimizing for the search engines.
If we look at the SEO ranking mechanics in Google, the same guidelines apply to B2C and B2B. It refers to things like URL structure and page loading time, regardless of whether you sell to consumers or businesses. But if you look beyond search engine technicalities, that's where the similarities end.