You Don't Need a Bathtub to Take a Bubble Bath, Emotionally Speaking

"You can't buy some scented soap and take a short break from the world and come out a new person, one without larger problems. Indeed, when I was burned out from my job covering the pandemic, what really did the trick was ... that the pandemic eased up. (OK, and a lot of therapy)."
"Sitting in a dark room, with nice smells, with music, maybe meditating, maybe ... still looking at your phone, but now in a significantly calmer environment? Basically everyone would agree that does take a bit of stress away."
"You can actually go a long way toward making a shower, something we all do pretty regularly anyway, feel like the luxurious spa experience of a good bath."
"Light a couple of candles, one scented plus either some tea lights or fake candles, and turn out the lights. Put on music. Spotify has a million 'Spa' options, though lately I've liked Brian Eno's 'Music for Airports'."
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