Culture Genesis highlights the importance of selecting appropriate influencers to effectively engage targeted audiences. The company, which has influential Black creators, aims to replicate its success with a new content network for South Asian creators called HYPHEN8. Led by Lilly Singh, this initiative will utilize a 50-50 ad revenue split model based on Google CPM rates, encouraging creators to join by promising fair compensation for their contributions. The venture is backed by Skara Ventures, which aims to establish a similarly successful framework as Culture Genesis provides.
Marketers can't just check the influencer box on a campaign these days - it's not enough to have influencers in the mix.
HYPHEN8 will launch with YouTuber and Emmy-nominated creator Lilly Singh... and aim to recruit about 20 in the initial cohort.
We are copy pasting ... from Culture Genesis, where you'll see that they follow this exact pattern.
We're able to sell [ads] for $10 because of the value add and the targeting, that extra $5 gets split between us and the creator.