The article celebrates the forced rhubarb season and shares a personal experience visiting a Yorkshire farmer who grows this vibrant produce. It includes a recipe for a rhubarb galette, emphasizing the use of double cream in the pastry for a crumbly texture. The preparation involves combining simple ingredients, rolling out the pastry, and baking it along with the rhubarb and sugar mixture until golden. The finished galette is recommended to be served with crème fraîche or pouring cream, highlighting its delightful flavors and textures.
I always look forward to forced rhubarb season. One of my favourite ever trips was to visit Rhubarb Robert, a farmer in Yorkshire, who showed me how they grow and force rhubarb into the wonderful, neon-pink stuff that we use in restaurants at this time of year.
This galette uses double cream in the dough, which helps to bring it together and bake into a crumbly pastry. Serves 4.
For the pastry, combine the flour and salt in a large bowl. Add the butter and, using your fingertips, rub it into the flour until the mixture resembles very fine breadcrumbs.
Bake for 45 minutes, until the edges are golden and the rhubarb is soft to the touch, then remove and leave to cool before serving with creme fraiche or pouring cream.