Nigel Slater's recipe for brown butter and chocolate chip friands

This article provides a recipe for making delightful hazelnut and dark chocolate cakes, which are baked in shallow bun tins. The process begins with preparing the oven and melting butter to a golden brown. Hazelnuts are toasted, ground, and incorporated into a batter with egg whites, flour, and icing sugar. The mixture is combined lightly before baking for 15-20 minutes until they rise and have a crunchy surface. The cakes should be consumed the same day for maximum flavor.
Set the oven at 200/gas mark 6. Lightly butter or oil 12 shallow bun tins. Melt 180g of butter in a small pan over a moderate heat.
These little cakes are best eaten the day they are made, ensuring freshness and optimal taste for a delightful dessert experience.
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