The article encourages readers to recognize the comfort and limitations of routines, advocating for simple changes to bring excitement and joy back into life. It suggests activities like taking your baby out in a stroller to change scenery, exploring new classes, staying connected with mother's groups, reading to your baby, and incorporating exercise to enhance both physical and mental well-being. Such adjustments can create more fulfilling social engagements and offer parents something to anticipate weekly, revitalizing daily life with fresh experiences.
You can let your baby nap in the stroller while you go to a park, café or scenic area nearby for a change of scenery. You'll enjoy the fresh air and new sights and sounds, as well as a feeling of freedom. You can use this time to browse your phone, drink a warm coffee, or catch up with friends for a conversation. You'll be amazed at how a change in scenery can improve your mood.
Ask yourself before signing up for a class: Which activity would I like to do? You may not enjoy swimming or dancing, so look for something you feel comfortable doing.
It's important that you have meaningful social interactions outside of parenting. Playdates can also help you break your routine.