Bay Area coffee cocktail recipe: Chartreuse Cappuccino

This recipe comes from the pages of a new cookbook by the Portland-based all-things-coffee publication Sprudge, called But First Coffee: A Guide to Brewing from the Kitchen to the Bar by Sprudge cofounders Jordan Michelman and Zachary Carlsen.
Einbund combined his knowledge about coffee with a passion for Chartreuse an herbal French liqueur made by monks at a single distillery in the French Alps in this drink, which pairs well with Bay Area fog and cozy sweaters for sophisticated and atmospheric sipping.
Chartreuse is in the midst of a global shortage, so sourcing it may be the hardest part of preparing this recipe. While demand has risen due to home cocktail-making, the monks, who use a secret recipe from the 1600s that contains 130 botanicals, have decided not to increase their production, citing environmental concerns and a desire to focus on other aspects of monastic life like solitude and prayer.
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