We've made 165 recipes from celebrity chefs to find the best ones. Here are the winners in each category.

Emeril Lagasse's flavorful recipe for scrambled eggs was food writer Bennett's favorite, using ten seasonings complemented by eggs, cheese, and fresh parsley for a creamy texture.
The winning omelet recipe from Carla Hall involved microwaving and combined mayonnaise, lemon juice, and broccoli, resulting in a fluffy texture that paired creamy cheese with crunchy vegetables.
To achieve the best blueberry pancakes, culinary experts concluded that the essential technique was to incorporate whipped eggs into the batter, creating light and fluffy pancakes.
The testing process included a variety of meals from breakfasts to desserts, showcasing recipes from renowned chefs like Guy Fieri, Ree Drummond, and Ina Garten.
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