My Company Broke My Heart When They Laid Me Off. Then I Got Revenge.

The article recounts the author's personal experience of being laid off after years of dedicated service at a company. It highlights the painful familiarity of such situations, where employees face the turbulence of layoffs, despite corporate assertions of profitability. The author recalls the cycle of layoffs and restructuring experienced over decades, illustrating how the internet's growth and economic challenges have substantially altered the workplace landscape, forcing companies to make difficult decisions, even when they are supposedly doing well financially.
‘I want to thank you once again for your hard work and dedication throughout the years,’ she said as my breathing grew ragged.
This time around, we were told the company was now profitable-successful, even-but we needed to make even more money.
Every couple of years there was some sort of shedding of staff, either through layoffs, reorgs, or voluntary buyouts.
Most of the time, it made sense. The steady growth of the internet, combined with two decades of economic downturns, had turned the once thriving venture into a slowly sinking ship.
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