@JamesJalaPayneo / Metaprogramming in ScalaProgramming Scala, 3rd EditionChapter 24.Metaprogramming: Macros and Reflection Metaprogramming is programming that manipulates programs as data.
@JamesJalaPayneo / Metaprogramming in ScalaMetaprogramming in Scala 2 & 3 - VirtusLabThe entirely redesigned metaprogramming is a standout new feature of Scala 3.
@JamesJalaPayneo / Metaprogramming in ScalaMetaprogrammingThe following pages introduce the redesign of metaprogramming in Scala.They introduce the following fundamental facilities:
@JamesJalaPayneo / Metaprogramming in ScalaMetaprogramming in Scala: A self-transforming codeMeta programming is a popular technique from 1970's and 1980's which used languages like LISP to enable applications to process code for artificial intelligence based applications.
@JamesJalaPayneo / Metaprogramming in ScalaMetaprogrammingThis is a nightly documentation.The content of this page may not be consistent with the current stable version of language.Click here to find the stable version of this page.
@JamesJalaPayneo / Metaprogramming in ScalaMetaprogrammingA call to a macro method is executed during the compiler phase called macro expansion to generate a part of the program-an abstract syntax tree.